getodk / xforms-spec

The XForms-derived specification used in the ODK ecosystem. If you are interested in building a tool that is compliant with the forms rendered by ODK tools, this is the place to start. ✨⚒✨
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Encryption sub-spec should mention that clients add enc suffix to encrypted files #255

Open lognaturel opened 4 years ago

lognaturel commented 4 years ago

See the sample manifest at and issue filed with Central at

MartijnR commented 4 years ago

Ah yes, I see now why this is required. It was deliberately omitted but is required information for <upload>-ed files. Sorry about that.

lognaturel commented 4 years ago

Oh, I hadn't considered it might be an intentional omission. Can you say more about why it didn't seem necessary? It does seem like the files could keep their original extensions. I imagine the .enc was added so that users could tell at a glance whether their files are encrypted but since it's not enforceable, users could either see the .enc suffix and imagine they're "safe" even when their files aren't encrypted at all or think their files haven't decrypted when they totally have (what @danbjoseph experienced with Central). Does Enketo add the .enc?

issa-tseng commented 4 years ago

wait so.. .. .. should i not remove .enc?

lognaturel commented 4 years ago

@issa-tseng, if there is an .enc suffix, you should remove it because that is for sure what Collect does now and has always done. But I suppose there's a chance that we might change that in the future depending on how this conversation goes so you shouldn't assume that there will be one (which you don't anyway).

MartijnR commented 4 years ago

Can you say more about why it didn't seem necessary?

I was just not so thorough and only considered the submission.xml file and not the media files. However, I was wrong on the former too, and think we should add the .enc extension for both types of files.

Does Enketo add the .enc?

Yes, it does.