getpelican / pelican-plugins

Collection of plugins for the Pelican static site generator
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Assets plugin doesn't seem to see/process changes in scss #1241

Open gregersn opened 4 years ago

gregersn commented 4 years ago

I am using scss, and css-minifier, and building the site in watch mode. But if I change one of the scss-source files, the new css is not built. Changes to the file triggers regeneration, but the regeneration doesn't seem to do anything.

in theme/static/css I have one style.scss which uses @import to include other scss-files. If I change one of the scss-files, the file is copied to the output-folder, but style.min.css is not updated.

In base.html I have

    {% assets filters="scss,cssmin", output="css/style.min.css", "css/style.scss" %}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ ASSET_URL }}">
    {% endassets %}

Any more info needed? Or pointers for where I should look?

kdeldycke commented 3 years ago

The legacy assets plugin has been moved to a new dedicated repository at: .

Please report there if you're still impacted by the issue. In the mean time, I guess this can be closed.