getpelican / pelican-plugins

Collection of plugins for the Pelican static site generator
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new Legacy branch #1381

Closed maphew closed 1 year ago

maphew commented 1 year ago

See #1379. PR 2 of 2.


maphew commented 1 year ago

This PR says "wants to merge 2 commits into getpelican:master from maphew:legacy" which isn't quite true. It should be merged into a new branch called legacy in the parent repo.

maphew commented 1 year ago

To test viability of this legacy branch approach I found and merged 3 PR from the upstream project. All of them featured simple docmentation changes so no testing was necessary. The process was very smooth for the 2 who's source repos were still intact. For the 3rd one I just duplicated the edit and then referenced the original commit and PR in comment.

The guide I followed for merging PR made against the parent fork:

I'm not likely to continue merging upstream PR as I don't have a straightforward means of testing them. (For my own site I'm only using plugins that are following the v4.5+ pip install way.)

avaris commented 1 year ago

I'm somewhat puzzled by the intent.

First of all, you can't change or create branches in the main repo via PRs. That's simply not possible.

Second, this repo is for legacy plugins only and new style plugins should reside in their own repos (in pelican-plugins org or personal repos). Eventually (and hopefully), this repo will become obsolete and plugins will migrate to their respective places. So, I don't see the point in restructuring this repo at all.

maphew commented 1 year ago

I didn't understand this repo is only for legacy plugins. The restructuring was my attempt to categorize working and non-working plugins as I attempted to get pelican working for myself. It's been a long time now so I don't know why I was working in/from this repo instead of the pelican-plugins organization. Probably because my starting point in customizing pelican for myself was with themes, which directed me here.

btw, this is off topic but related: the major problem with pelican-plugins org vs this repo is that the org doesn't have a master Readme or index or repo that gives an overview of the plugin eco system.