getpelican / pelican-plugins

Collection of plugins for the Pelican static site generator
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For requirements.txt, use PDM, PIP, Conda or pipreqs? #1404

Closed egberts closed 1 week ago

egberts commented 2 weeks ago

For the Pelican plugins, which way are we creating the proverbial "requirements.txt" file.

I ask this because some package have a requirements subdirectory (like Pelican's tox) and most others do file-based requirements.txt (like pdm).

As a plugin repository and for all plugin, consistency is the key, no?

I have no skin in this game, other than "build consistency".

So, which tools should plugins be using?


justinmayer commented 1 week ago

Hi Egbert. I have very limited time and thus must respond to this (and other issues) in the most brief and efficient manner possible. Apologies in advance for anything that may sound brusque! 😊

Short version: I prefer to define dependencies in pyproject.toml and do not see the need for any requirements.txt files.

Longer version, in no particular order, in bullet-point format for expedience…

egberts commented 1 week ago

Thank you for taking the time to given the detailed inputs.

I sufficiently have been shown the wisdom of Pelican.

Closing this issue.