getpelican / pelican

Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax. Powered by Python.
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How to configure pelican comment system #1682

Closed kusumasuresh closed 9 years ago

kusumasuresh commented 9 years ago


Please guide me on how to setup pelican comment system What i did is

yum install epel-release

yum install python-pip

pip install pelican markdown

mkdir /projects

cd /projects/

mkdir mysite

cd mysite/


Provided all required details for above command then,

cd content/


Title: Test Date: 2015-04-07 10:20

this is page


cd /projects/mysite/

pelican content

cd /projects/mysite/output

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

This shows my blog But now i want to configure comment system on pelican, Can u please guide on this.

I have downloaded pelican-themes and plugins well and configured only as mentioned in and configured settings also same in pelican_comment_system/ as mentioned above but replaced False with True.

but strucked at next level, din't understanding, i'm new to pelican. What to do next.. Please guide me step by step like i mentioned above.

Thanks Suresh

Scheirle commented 9 years ago

You now have to modify your theme (I assume you already have selected one), so the comments can be displayed.

Therefore copy in the '[YourTheme]/templates/article.html' (Where exactly depends on the theme and your taste.)

A minimalist example of a working site can be found at:

PS: When the basic setup works you probably want to edit the theme, so the comments look better with your current theme.

kusumasuresh commented 9 years ago


PLUGIN_PATHS = ['/root/pelican-plugins'] PLUGINS = ['pelican_comment_system'] PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM = True

And My plugin pelican_comment_system file configuration

('PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM', True), ('PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_DIR', '/test/comments'), ('PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_IDENTICON_OUTPUT_PATH', 'images/identicon'), ('PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_IDENTICON_DATA', ()), ('PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_IDENTICON_SIZE', 72), ('PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_AUTHORS', {}), ('PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_FEED', os.path.join('feeds', 'comment.%s.atom.xml')), ('PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_FEED_ALL', os.path.join('feeds', 'comments.all.atom.xml')), ('COMMENT_URL', '#comment-{slug}')

please find the /theme/template/article.html added the code as the link suggested screenshot from 2015-04-08 15 10 15

And here the output what i'm getting,please check the screenshot below, There is no coloum to post comment, showing only "There are no comments yet", Please suggest... how to post commets

screenshot from 2015-04-08 14 30 48

Scheirle commented 9 years ago

And My plugin pelican_comment_system file configuration

There shouldn't be such a file. All settings you change go in the main (website root)

There is no coloum to post comment

This you have to add yourself. Some pointers can be found at:

[..] showing only "There are no comments yet" at top right side

Insert the comment theme between '< /article>" and '< /section>' (not below). Then the comments should be under the article.

kusumasuresh commented 9 years ago

As suggested in settings for pelican _comment_system mentioned above, it is not its /root/pelican-plugins/pelican_comment_system/

About form creation, i don't know about the javascript deveoper, i'm linux administrator, so can u please guide me step by step where need to add that code, if possible please edit my article.html file and post here..

Scheirle commented 9 years ago

As suggested in settings for pelican _comment_system mentioned above, it is not its /root/pelican-plugins/pelican_comment_system/

In are just the default values. If you want to change them, add them to your (which then overwrites the defaults).

About form creation, i don't know about the javascript deveoper, i'm linux administrator, so can u please guide me step by step where need to add that code, if possible please edit my article.html file and post here..

I extended the minimalistic example ( and so it now contains the comment form.

The actual article.html:

This should give you all information you need to setup your own article.html.

kusumasuresh commented 9 years ago

It is asking me to post comment via email, but i want to just post comment over there itself directly,

And where these comments will store in backend and how to configure this..

Scheirle commented 9 years ago

The plugin you selected (pelican_comment_system) uses a static approach. It reads the comments from files but doesn't handle the comment/file creation.

For your requirements a different comment system (e.g. disqus) is probably a better choice.

DirkR commented 9 years ago

@kusumasuresh Look at - it's written in python and quite easy to install. I deployed it for my pelican blog.

kusumasuresh commented 9 years ago

@Scheirle I'm Testing on my local test machine which does not have public domain, I as per my knowledge Disqus require public domain name.

@DirkR How to install isso for my pelican, please go through my pelican configurations above and please guide what to do next. step by step

ingwinlu commented 9 years ago

we are not your personal instruction bots, read the isso docs, read the pelican docs, do some work yourself.

DirkR commented 9 years ago

@kusumasuresh No, I cannot do that. There is extensive documentation at, and there is a blog post from the author (unfortunatly in German), where he describes the installation in a specific shared hosting environment: