getqujing / qtunnel

A secure socket tunnel works on
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Numerous design flaws #5

Open tarcieri opened 9 years ago

tarcieri commented 9 years ago

Designing a transport encryption protocol is among the most difficult undertakings in cryptography. It's something that I would leave in the hands of a professional cryptographer who is already well-versed in the attacks on TLS.

Your project more or less duplicates the functionality of spiped:

However, you have made a number of mistakes in your design:

...and that's what I found after looking at it for about 20 minutes.

You should probably be using spiped or TLS in PSK mode

rpicard commented 9 years ago

This is not a secure way to zero memory as far as I know:

See here (same guy from Tarsnap incidentally):

lunixbochs commented 9 years ago

That line in secretToKey() isn't zeroing memory, it's using an MD5 hash as a KDF. h.Sum(nil) is defined here and simply returns the current hash as a []byte.

As far as securely-clearing memory in Go: I haven't found any definite documentation on it, but I'm pretty sure Go zeroes newly-allocated memory (and a couple of tests confirm it). It also forces array bounds checking, so there's not an obvious way in Go to accidentally reveal recycled memory contents to a user. This means you're probably okay regardless of whether you zeroed something unless you link in a vulnerable C library (like an SSL stack) and someone somehow uses it to read your memory.

rpicard commented 9 years ago

@lunixbochs Okay, yeah I thought it was weird that they were using the MD5 object to create nil stuff for the zeroing. That makes more sense.

ghoulr commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your professional advice @tarcieri, I'm trying to implement a new version of encryption protocol now:

  1. For original AES-CFB encryption, use a new IV strategy, client and server will send their random IV to each other at the very start after the connection is established, then use it in the each direction of communication.
  2. Add AES-GCM, client and server will send their random nonce to each other after connection is established, then use ad = nonce_client ^ nonce_server as additional data, and use the nonces on each directions like the IV.
  3. Use SHA256 instead of MD5 in, to calculate a key.
  4. RC4 is only used in early development, and chacha20 will import 3rd party dependencies rather than go itself, which I'm not prefer, so let's just leave it there for now...

As I said in README, the reason I'm not using TLS based tools or spiped (this is a great tool, but I didn't know it before), is I'm avoiding the handshake before the real communication, this tool is used in the scenario that client and server may talk to each other oversea, and I don't want cost >500ms for handshaking. A simple but secure enough protocol would be good enough.

Any suggestions?

josh-chan commented 7 years ago

@ghoulr Go 版 shadowsocks 已经实现 AEAD (aes-gcm) 加密,能移植到 qtunnel 吗?