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New plot options #1351

Open MarcoMene opened 8 years ago

MarcoMene commented 8 years ago

It would be nice to extend a little the options when building plots:

MarcoMene commented 8 years ago

More generally, instead of simply adding a couple of plot options, could it be possible to add a large plot library like in re-dash?

solutionrooms commented 8 years ago

+1 for this. (More generally, instead of simply adding a couple of plot options, could it be possible to add a large plot library like in re-dash?) Ideally, we would be able to produce a visualization by adding html(+css+js), this is how it works on Mode Analytics. This would then allow us to choose which js plot library to use ( I like to use AmCharts ).

MarcoMene commented 8 years ago

Would be great also to have the possibility to execute operations over multiple columns, to plot, e.g. the difference of two variables..

samkellett commented 8 years ago

error bars would be fantastic (maybe select a column in the user interface to be the variance to calculate them?)

luke14free commented 8 years ago

PR #1401 introduces errors in graphs through a column that specifies the error for every data point

luke14free commented 8 years ago

PR introduces custom js plotting