Currently we are using pkg/errors to wrap errors and pass stacktraces, and also to wrap additional error context. This does mean that sentry unwraps those errors before sending them to sentry, dropping all of that additional context. What is the best practice for keeping this context and associating it with the root stacktrace? I could add err.Error() to the tags, but that feels like a misuse of tags. It feels like CaptureError should be
Currently we are using pkg/errors to wrap errors and pass stacktraces, and also to wrap additional error context. This does mean that sentry unwraps those errors before sending them to sentry, dropping all of that additional context. What is the best practice for keeping this context and associating it with the root stacktrace? I could add err.Error() to the tags, but that feels like a misuse of tags. It feels like CaptureError should be
instead of
and preserve the wrapped error context