# filestore.backend: 'filesystem'
# filestore.options:
# location: '/data/files'
# dsym.cache-path: '/data/dsym-cache'
# releasefile.cache-path: '/data/releasefile-cache'
filestore.backend: "s3"
bucket_acl: "private"
default_acl: "private"
access_key: "****"
secret_key: "****"
bucket_name: "my-bucket"
region_name: "auto"
endpoint_url: "http://******.net" # If you're not using AWS.
addressing_style: "auto" # For regular AWS S3, use "auto" or "virtual". For other S3-compatible API like MinIO or Ceph, use "path".
signature_version: "s3v4"
Expected Result
work well
Actual Result
replay ui with red error
replay api throw 502
Event ID
No response
then i clearup data, recreate admin account, replay ui is ok, and send a replay by feedback, but can't show any replay or feedback
my step is
some times
problem : replay menu has red error alert and
response http code 502Self-Hosted Version
CPU Architecture
Docker Version
Docker Compose Version
Steps to Reproduce
replace to
Expected Result
work well
Actual Result
replay ui with red error replay api throw 502
Event ID
No response
then i clearup data, recreate admin account, replay ui is ok, and send a replay by feedback, but can't show any replay or feedback