getsentry / sentry-capacitor

The official Sentry SDK for Capacitor
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Error events not automatically reported to Sentry when running on device or emulator #679

Open rodolfoBee opened 2 weeks ago

rodolfoBee commented 2 weeks ago


Capacitor SDK v0.18.0 Framework: React/Remix in SPA mode

Steps to Reproduce

Initialise the SDK as the following:

import { RemixBrowser } from '@remix-run/react'
import { startTransition, StrictMode } from 'react'
import { hydrateRoot } from 'react-dom/client'
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/capacitor'
import * as SentryReact from '@sentry/react'
    enabled: import.meta.env.PROD,
    dsn: '__MY_DSN__',
    integrations: [
        tracePropagationTargets: ['localhost'],
        maskAllInputs: true,
        maskAllText: false,
        blockAllMedia: false,
        networkDetailAllowUrls: ['[redacted]'],
        // networkRequestHeaders: ['Cookie', 'X-Fallback-Cookies'],
        levels: ['log', 'warn'],
    // Performance Monitoring
    tracesSampleRate: 1.0, 
    // Session Replay
    replaysSessionSampleRate: 0.1, 
    replaysOnErrorSampleRate: 1.0, 
  // Forward the init method from @sentry/react

startTransition(() => {
      <RemixBrowser />

After initialisation, the app will try to execute an undefined function and run into an error. This happens automatically after initialisation.

Expected Result

Events are reported to Sentry on all environments.

Actual Result

Events are correctly reported when running in a browser, but are not captured by the SDK when running the app on an ios device or emulator. Logs:

The workaround was to add captureException method in the errorBoundary component:

Removing the errorBoundary has no effect on the final result, the errors are not captured on the device.

Original report

lucas-zimerman commented 1 week ago

Since the project is using Remix, it is recommended to use Sentry Remix instead of React (using version 7.114.0).

The setup for Remix is different, so I recommend using the following documentation to set up Sentry with it: Sentry Remix Manual Setup.

Sentry Capacitor is currently not officially supported by Remix. Ideally, you should use the Sentry Remix SDK by itself. However, you can also use Sentry Capacitor with it. The difference is that in entry.client.tsx, you initialize Sentry Capacitor along with the Remix SDK. On the server side, you only initialize the Remix SDK.

devo-devo commented 1 week ago

I'm using Remix in SPA mode, which essentially builds everything into a client side app of only html and js - so I won't need to initialize on the server side.

Is it confirmed that deploying to a simulator or device using sentry/remix & sentry/capacitor on the client side captures the exceptions w/o the manual workarounds? Is there en example Sentry.init for the client side that you've found works in this scenario?

lucas-zimerman commented 3 days ago

I would recommend following this setup for using Remix with Capacitor for the time being