getsentry / sentry-cocoa

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Exception parsing seems a bit off #3707

Open philipphofmann opened 7 months ago

philipphofmann commented 7 months ago

It looks like the exception parsing is a bit off as some exceptions are reported as:

d                                0x000000018d12d0e0 start + 2360

Notice the d.

Originally posted by @sindresorhus in

sindresorhus commented 3 months ago

I'm still seeing this. I'm getting this crash in multiple apps and unable to fix it as the crash report is not actionable...

Another report:

krystofwoldrich commented 3 months ago

@sindresorhus Thank you for the new link.

sindresorhus commented 3 months ago

I finally had a user send me a local crash report for this, and comparing it to the Sentry raw crash report, it seems like Sentry is truncating the Application Specific Backtrace 0:, which is the most important part.


Application Specific Information:
d                                0x00000001844920e0 start + 2360

Local crash report

Application Specific Backtrace 0:
0   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018496f2ec __exceptionPreprocess + 176
1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x0000000184456788 objc_exception_throw + 60
2   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018496f1dc +[NSException exceptionWithName:reason:userInfo:] + 0
3   AppKit                              0x00000001882dff38 -[NSWindow _newFirstResponderAfterResigning] + 176
4   AppKit                              0x0000000188398774 -[NSTextView(NSSharing) resignFirstResponder] + 56
5   AppKit                              0x0000000188249988 -[NSWindow _realMakeFirstResponder:] + 196
6   AppKit                              0x00000001883deb04 -[NSWindow _makeParentWindowHaveFirstResponder:] + 76
7   AppKit                              0x00000001882584a8 -[NSWindow _selectFirstKeyView] + 544
8   AppKit                              0x0000000188257afc -[NSWindow _setUpFirstResponder] + 152
9   AppKit                              0x00000001882554bc -[NSWindow _doWindowWillBeVisibleAsSheet:] + 108
10  AppKit                              0x0000000188c18140 -[NSWindow _reallyDoOrderWindowAboveOrBelow:] + 1028
11  AppKit                              0x0000000188c18d14 -[NSWindow _reallyDoOrderWindow:] + 64
12  AppKit                              0x0000000188c194f8 __27-[NSWindow _doOrderWindow:]_block_invoke.747 + 44
13  AppKit                              0x000000018819a8a4 NSPerformVisuallyAtomicChange + 108
14  AppKit                              0x0000000188c191e4 -[NSWindow _doOrderWindow:] + 888
15  AppKit                              0x0000000188c24990 _NSWindowWalkOrderingGroupInternal + 312
16  AppKit                              0x000000018831fd5c -[NSWindow _rebuildOrderingGroup:] + 300
17  AppKit                              0x000000018819a8a4 NSPerformVisuallyAtomicChange + 108
18  AppKit                              0x000000018831f1e4 -[NSWindow addChildWindow:ordered:] + 568
19  AppKit                              0x00000001883db488 -[NSPopover showRelativeToRect:ofView:preferredEdge:] + 1788
20  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b193cd6c OUTLINED_FUNCTION_0 + 7112
21  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b193d654 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_0 + 9392
22  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b193d2d8 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_0 + 8500
23  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b0efdc6c OUTLINED_FUNCTION_4 + 102344
24  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b0e426dc OUTLINED_FUNCTION_8 + 26264
25  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b0e41eb8 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_8 + 24180
26  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b18419a8 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_2 + 22824
27  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b1841330 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_2 + 21168
28  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b183e0d8 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_2 + 8280
29  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b0ef4a54 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_4 + 64944
30  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b0effb84 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_4 + 110304
31  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b0ef4ee0 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_4 + 66108
32  AppKit                              0x000000018816f848 +[NSAnimationContext runAnimationGroup:] + 56
33  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b0ef4930 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_4 + 64652
34  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b0ef4f20 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_4 + 66172
35  AppKit                              0x0000000188c04b58 ___NSViewLayout_block_invoke + 592
36  AppKit                              0x000000018819a8a4 NSPerformVisuallyAtomicChange + 108
37  AppKit                              0x000000018819efe4 _NSViewLayout + 96
38  AppKit                              0x0000000188bfb204 __36-[NSView _layoutSubtreeWithOldSize:]_block_invoke + 364
39  AppKit                              0x000000018819a8a4 NSPerformVisuallyAtomicChange + 108
40  AppKit                              0x000000018819ef78 -[NSView _layoutSubtreeWithOldSize:] + 100
41  AppKit                              0x0000000188bfb348 __36-[NSView _layoutSubtreeWithOldSize:]_block_invoke + 688
42  AppKit                              0x000000018819a8a4 NSPerformVisuallyAtomicChange + 108
43  AppKit                              0x000000018819ef78 -[NSView _layoutSubtreeWithOldSize:] + 100
44  AppKit                              0x0000000188bfbcec __56-[NSView _layoutSubtreeIfNeededAndAllowTemporaryEngine:]_block_invoke + 796
45  AppKit                              0x000000018819a8a4 NSPerformVisuallyAtomicChange + 108
46  AppKit                              0x000000018819eb38 -[NSView _layoutSubtreeIfNeededAndAllowTemporaryEngine:] + 100
47  AppKit                              0x000000018819a8a4 NSPerformVisuallyAtomicChange + 108
48  AppKit                              0x000000018819eac8 -[NSView layoutSubtreeIfNeeded] + 96
49  AppKit                              0x0000000188ea6520 -[NSWindow(NSConstraintBasedLayoutInternal) _layoutViewTree] + 104
50  AppKit                              0x0000000188ea66a8 -[NSWindow(NSConstraintBasedLayoutInternal) layoutIfNeeded] + 240
51  AppKit                              0x00000001881fd6b4 __NSWindowGetDisplayCycleObserverForLayout_block_invoke + 364
52  AppKit                              0x00000001881fcc4c NSDisplayCycleObserverInvoke + 168
53  AppKit                              0x00000001881fc8a8 NSDisplayCycleFlush + 644
54  QuartzCore                          0x000000018caebf64 _ZN2CA11Transaction19run_commit_handlersE18CATransactionPhase + 120
55  QuartzCore                          0x000000018caead04 _ZN2CA11Transaction6commitEv + 320
56  AppKit                              0x00000001882809d0 __62+[CATransaction(NSCATransaction) NS_setFlushesWithDisplayLink]_block_invoke + 272
57  AppKit                              0x0000000188c40208 ___NSRunLoopObserverCreateWithHandler_block_invoke + 64
58  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001848f987c __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 36
59  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001848f9768 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 536
60  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001848f8d94 __CFRunLoopRun + 776
61  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001848f8434 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608
62  HIToolbox                           0x000000018f09c19c RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292
63  HIToolbox                           0x000000018f09bfd8 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 648
64  HIToolbox                           0x000000018f09bd30 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 76
65  AppKit                              0x0000000188157d68 _DPSNextEvent + 660
66  AppKit                              0x000000018894d808 -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 700
67  AppKit                              0x000000018814b09c -[NSApplication run] + 476
68  AppKit                              0x00000001881222e0 NSApplicationMain + 880
69  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b0296474 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_12 + 13968
70  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b09ffe88 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_3 + 196
71  SwiftUI                             0x00000001b0dfaeb8 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_0 + 140
72  Dato                                0x00000001025a2128 Dato + 57640
73  dyld                                0x00000001844920e0 start + 2360

Full crash report

krystofwoldrich commented 3 months ago

@sindresorhus Thank you for all the extra data this will make it much easier to debug.