getsentry / sentry-cocoa

The official Sentry SDK for iOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS.
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Ingest more standard info plist key/values #3852

Open armcknight opened 4 months ago

armcknight commented 4 months ago


From time to time we ask ourselves questions that might be able to be answered by aggregating the values we see in consumer apps' plists, most recently: what is the target platform version deployment target of app releases that send us events? This would help us evaluate when it is appropriate to bump our own deployment target.

We could simply ingest all key value pairs in a plist. This would be surfaced as new tags on sessions/events that could also aid customers with more context.

kahest commented 4 months ago

I'm not opposed to the idea of utilizing the info plist data, but we should make a conscious decision to ingest specific keys that make sense, on a case by case basis. We shouldn't ingest (or even store as tags) all arbitrary data that comes in via info plist files.

philipphofmann commented 4 months ago

The info plist values are the same for every release. I'm unsure if it makes sense to send that information with every event, as it increases the event payload a bit. Instead, I think it would be better to send that data with the sentry-cli. What info plist values do you think would be interesting for customers, @armcknight?