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Sentry SDK for .NET
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Sentry support for Blazor WebAssembly #2021

Closed PeterDraex closed 2 months ago

PeterDraex commented 1 year ago

Problem Statement

This is a feature request for support for Blazor WebAssembly. According to #317, there seems to be at least some level of integration supported, but I couldn't find any installation tutorial. I would love to see support including features like User Feedback Prompt or Tunneling.

Solution Brainstorm

No response

bruno-garcia commented 1 year ago

We have a sample in the repo:

But indeed no docs at the time. That said, support is there, it's just .NET running on Wasm (MonoAOT afaik).

User Feedback would require you to call the C# API. If you're using the JS widget, you'd need to do JS interop to pass around the event id. But it should work too.

krossley commented 1 year ago

Can we get some support docs for Blazer Server Side?

mattjohnsonpint commented 1 year ago

@krossley - I opened a new issue specifically for Blazor Server here: #2329

We don't have any specific guidance at the moment. As always, we're open to PRs. Thanks.

bruno-garcia commented 1 year ago

I played a bit during hackweek. Some learnings/ideas:

Stuff I explored in the draft PR above

WebAssembly error monitoring

Blazor Server

Lots to explore here. Since we have decent support with the Sentry.AspNetCore package already, I didn't invest too much time. But some areas:

Performance monitoring


bruno-garcia commented 12 months ago


bruno-garcia commented 12 months ago

.NET 8 introduces WasmStripILAfterAOT

jamescrosswell commented 11 months ago


Weird that they separate out .NET and C#... I wonder what the results would look like if those two were grouped together (who is using C# but not .NET??? How could less people be using .NET and C#?).

bruno-garcia commented 5 months ago

How to emit source maps:

klemmchr commented 5 months ago

Is there any timeline on a proper Blazor SDK? The current situation is not really satisfying since Sentry in Blazor WASM using the existing SDKs misses out on all the cool features like replays and profiling.

bitsandfoxes commented 5 months ago

As a very soft ETA, we would like to be able to support this sometime within the next quarter.

klemmchr commented 2 months ago

The new package Sentry.AspNetCore.Blazor.WebAssembly has only a target for .NET 6 and is missing .NET 8 as a target.

jamescrosswell commented 2 months ago

The new package Sentry.AspNetCore.Blazor.WebAssembly has only a target for .NET 6 and is missing .NET 8 as a target.

Does it need to target net8.0?

We normally target the minimum possible version necessary. When we do have multiple targets it's usually because there is some additional functionality that is only available (via conditional compilation directives) in one or more of the targets.

klemmchr commented 2 months ago

It is not explicitly needed, but Microsoft recommends to consider multi-targeting with the same codebase when having a package or library dependency.

✔️ CONSIDER multi-targeting even if your source code is the same for all targets, when your project has any library or package dependencies.

Your project's dependent packages, either direct or downstream, might use the same code APIs while wrapped inside different versions of the dependent assembly per target framework. Adding specific targets ensures that your consumers do not need to add or update their assembly binding redirects.

bitsandfoxes commented 2 months ago

Fair enough. While true, it would greatly increase everything, from package size to time spent on building and testing in CI. Maybe @bruno-garcia can chime in with some historic context.

klemmchr commented 2 months ago

I don't know your CI setup in depth, but would including a multi target into this (quite empty) library really increase your build time by a noticable amount? This might be true if you have to rebuild all dependencies as well but this is not the case when looking at your workflows. Same goes for package size, this library is quite small and will not grow particularly strongly in the future.

jamescrosswell commented 2 months ago

I think if we adopt the policy of targeting everything for Sentry.AspNetCore.Blazor.WebAssembly we'd want to be consistent and do that for all the other packages as well... which means we'd have quite a few extra binaries and debug files for every NuGet package.

When building locally we automatically upload source and debug for every build (so that things like source link etc. work)... the uploading of that information extends the build time for those local builds quite considerably so if we were uploading another 30% of data it would be a pain.

We could do it, but only if there was some obvious/compelling benefit... so a good understanding of why Microsoft make that recommendation and how following that recommendation would benefit our SDK customers.

@klemmchr was there some specific reason you wanted/needed this?

klemmchr commented 1 month ago

After digging deeper into this topic it seems that this recommendation is a remnant from .NET Framework times where binding redirects were a thing. Therefore a multi target is probably not needed.

jamescrosswell commented 1 month ago

Therefore a multi target is probably not needed.

Awesome, thanks @klemmchr - that's a relief!

bruno-garcia commented 1 month ago

We should add net8.0 too, specially when u take dependencies that have net8.0 builds as u want the end user to resolve the net8.0 dep chain