getsentry / sentry-elixir

The official Elixir SDK for Sentry (
MIT License
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Strange module exception error #740

Open tommasop opened 2 weeks ago

tommasop commented 2 weeks ago


elixir 1.14.5 OTP phoenix 1.17.0

Steps to Reproduce

We have a plug exception defined like this:

  defmodule UnauthorizedRequestError do
    @moduledoc """
    Error raised when the Admin request is not authorized.

    defexception message: "Admin request unauthorized", plug_status: 403

And have filtered < 500 errors in before_send like this:

  def filter_non_500(%Sentry.Event{original_exception: exception} = event) do
    cond do
      Plug.Exception.status(exception) < 500 ->

      # Fall back to the default event filter.
      Sentry.DefaultEventFilter.exclude_exception?(exception, event.source) ->

      true ->

Expected Result

I expect not to see any error logged in Sentry

Actual Result

We have many of these errors recorded:

JSON payload ```json { "event_id": "be16d92206304893b8b800779f7a8abe", "project": 4507390105813072, "release": null, "dist": null, "platform": "elixir", "message": "[[initial_call: {:cowboy_stream_h, :request_process, [:Argument__1, :Argument__2, :Argument__3]}, pid: #PID<0.9834.0>, registered_name: [], error_info: {:exit, {{{%IxiCenter.Plug.VerifyIxiDeviceRequest.UnauthorizedRequestError{message: \"iXi Device unauthorized\", plug_status: 403}, [{IxiCenter.Plug.VerifyIxiDeviceRequest, :verify_request!, 1, [file: 'lib/ixi_center/plug/verify_ixi_device_request.ex', line: 46, error_info: %{module: Exception}]}, {IxiCenter.Plug.VerifyIxiDeviceRequest, :call, 2, [file: 'lib/ixi_center/plug/verify_ixi_device_request.ex', line: 17]}, {IxiCenterWeb.Router, :api, 2, []}, {IxiCenterWeb.Router, :__pipe_through2__, 1, [file: 'lib/ixi_center_web/router.ex', line: 1]}, {Phoenix.Router, :__call__, 5, [file: 'lib/phoenix/router.ex', line: 416]}, {IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, :plug_builder_call, 2, [file: 'lib/ixi_center_web/endpoint.ex', line: 1]}, {IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, :\"call (overridable 3)\", 2, [file: 'lib/ixi_center_web/endpoint.ex', line: 1]}, {IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, :call, 2, [file: 'lib/ixi_center_web/endpoint.ex', line: 1]}]}, {IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, :call, [%Plug.Conn{adapter: {Plug.Cowboy.Conn, :...}, assigns: %{}, body_params: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :body_params}, cookies: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :cookies}, halted: false, host: \"\", method: \"GET\", owner: #PID<0.9834.0>, params: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :params}, path_info: [\"api\", \"ixi_devices\", \"000000CC9F6003E7\", \"tuning_sessions\"], path_params: %{}, port: 80, private: %{}, query_params: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :query_params}, query_string: \"\", remote_ip: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65535, 49320, 2704}, req_cookies: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :cookies}, req_headers: [{\"accept-encoding\", \"gzip, deflate, br\"}, {\"authorization\", \"Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJwcm9kdWN0cy5tYWdpY21vdG9yc3BvcnQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNzE4ODMzMDc5LCJzbiI6IjAwMDAwMENDOUY2MDAzRTciLCJwaWQiOjI2NzA1MywidWlkIjo0MTU4NiwiYWlkIjoyLCJpcCI6IjE4NS4xNTcuMjMwLjEwOSIsImNycHQiOiJzZWVkIiwiZnAiOiIzTDN6SUVXNmN1NVVjY0ZMZXl2U0JNVWdtaE5CMndvTCJ9.oFgrfhTvDkjChNLTrjonwJ6lDjt3yPsLgdfviniujP4\"}, {\"content-type\", \"application/vnd.api+json\"}, {\"host\", \"\"}, {\"postman-token\", \"13ebc2a3-3d6b-49fe-9058-04182b11c79a\"}, {\"user-agent\", \"PostmanRuntime/7.39.0\"}, {\"x-forwarded-for\", \",\"}, {\"x-forwarded-host\", \"\"}, {\"x-forwarded-port\", \"443\"}, {\"x-forwarded-proto\", \"https\"}, {\"x-forwarded-server\", \"prd-client1\"}, {\"x-real-ip\", \"\"}], request_path: \"/api/ixi_devices/000000CC9F6003E7/tuning_sessions\", resp_body: nil, resp_cookies: %{}, resp_headers: [{\"cache-control\", \"max-age=0, private, must-revalidate\"}], scheme: :http, script_name: [], secret_key_base: nil, state: :unset, status: nil}, []]}}, []}, []}, ancestors: [#PID<0.9833.0>, #PID<0.3276.0>, #PID<0.3275.0>, IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, IxiCenter.Supervisor, #PID<0.3235.0>], message_queue_len: 0, messages: [], links: [#PID<0.9833.0>], dictionary: [rand_seed: {%{bits: 58, jump: #Function<3.34006561/1 in :rand.exsplus_jump>, next: #Function<0.34006561/1 in :rand.exsss_next>, type: :exsss, uniform: #Function<1.34006561/1 in :rand.exsss_uniform>, uniform_n: #Function<2.34006561/2 in :rand.exsss_uniform>}, [98198537292401754 | 12076600170047340]}, \"$logger_metadata$\": %{remote_ip: \"\", request_id: \"F9qDZGoZxKBKhBMAAqrC\", sentry: %{request: %{cookies: %{}, data: %{}, env: %{\"REMOTE_ADDR\" => \"\", \"REMOTE_PORT\" => 55654, \"REQUEST_ID\" => \"F9qDZGoA-Z1KhBMAAqqC\", \"SERVER_NAME\" => \"\", \"SERVER_PORT\" => 80}, headers: %{\"accept-encoding\" => \"gzip, deflate, br\", \"content-type\" => \"application/vnd.api+json\", \"host\" => \"\", \"postman-token\" => \"13ebc2a3-3d6b-49fe-9058-04182b11c79a\", \"user-agent\" => \"PostmanRuntime/7.39.0\", \"x-forwarded-for\" => \",\", \"x-forwarded-host\" => \"\", \"x-forwarded-port\" => \"443\", \"x-forwarded-proto\" => \"https\", \"x-forwarded-server\" => \"prd-client1\", \"x-real-ip\" => \"\"}, method: \"GET\", query_string: \"\", url: \"\"}}}, sentry_last_event_id_and_source: {\"efc3cb2d59be45c9892df7719e2f931b\", :plug}], trap_exit: false, status: :running, heap_size: 4185, stack_size: 28, reductions: 57501], []]", "datetime": "2024-06-19T20:57:55+00:00", "tags": [ [ "browser", "PostmanRuntime 7.39.0" ], [ "", "PostmanRuntime" ], [ "environment", "production" ], [ "level", "error" ], [ "os", "linux 5.15.0" ], [ "", "linux" ], [ "runtime", "elixir 1.14.5 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 25)" ], [ "", "elixir" ], [ "user", "ip:" ], [ "server_name", "5337e1d718c4" ], [ "url", "" ] ], "_meta": { "request": { "headers": { "3": { "1": { "": { "rem": [ [ "@password:filter", "s", 0, 10 ] ], "len": 36 } } } } } }, "_metrics": { "bytes.ingested.event": 8831, "bytes.stored.event": 9822 }, "contexts": { "browser": { "name": "PostmanRuntime", "version": "7.39.0", "type": "browser" }, "os": { "name": "linux", "version": "5.15.0", "type": "os" }, "runtime": { "name": "elixir", "version": "1.14.5 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 25)", "type": "runtime" } }, "culprit": "", "environment": "production", "extra": { "logger_level": "error", "logger_metadata": { "file": "proc_lib.erl", "line": 539 } }, "fingerprint": [ "{{ default }}" ], "grouping_config": { "enhancements": "KLUv_SAYwQAAkwKRs25ld3N0eWxlOjIwMjMtMDEtMTGQ", "id": "newstyle:2023-01-11" }, "hashes": [ "c44a3143143c1e866f67922fab5a5364" ], "ingest_path": [ { "version": "24.5.1", "public_key": "7pLPdtCQBMLtodCJ3yOtI9MDBUWfX0k5eDa4ZP4CX6A" } ], "key_id": "32997", "level": "error", "logentry": { "formatted": "[[initial_call: {:cowboy_stream_h, :request_process, [:Argument__1, :Argument__2, :Argument__3]}, pid: #PID<0.9834.0>, registered_name: [], error_info: {:exit, {{{%IxiCenter.Plug.VerifyIxiDeviceRequest.UnauthorizedRequestError{message: \"iXi Device unauthorized\", plug_status: 403}, [{IxiCenter.Plug.VerifyIxiDeviceRequest, :verify_request!, 1, [file: 'lib/ixi_center/plug/verify_ixi_device_request.ex', line: 46, error_info: %{module: Exception}]}, {IxiCenter.Plug.VerifyIxiDeviceRequest, :call, 2, [file: 'lib/ixi_center/plug/verify_ixi_device_request.ex', line: 17]}, {IxiCenterWeb.Router, :api, 2, []}, {IxiCenterWeb.Router, :__pipe_through2__, 1, [file: 'lib/ixi_center_web/router.ex', line: 1]}, {Phoenix.Router, :__call__, 5, [file: 'lib/phoenix/router.ex', line: 416]}, {IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, :plug_builder_call, 2, [file: 'lib/ixi_center_web/endpoint.ex', line: 1]}, {IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, :\"call (overridable 3)\", 2, [file: 'lib/ixi_center_web/endpoint.ex', line: 1]}, {IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, :call, 2, [file: 'lib/ixi_center_web/endpoint.ex', line: 1]}]}, {IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, :call, [%Plug.Conn{adapter: {Plug.Cowboy.Conn, :...}, assigns: %{}, body_params: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :body_params}, cookies: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :cookies}, halted: false, host: \"\", method: \"GET\", owner: #PID<0.9834.0>, params: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :params}, path_info: [\"api\", \"ixi_devices\", \"000000CC9F6003E7\", \"tuning_sessions\"], path_params: %{}, port: 80, private: %{}, query_params: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :query_params}, query_string: \"\", remote_ip: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65535, 49320, 2704}, req_cookies: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :cookies}, req_headers: [{\"accept-encoding\", \"gzip, deflate, br\"}, {\"authorization\", \"Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJwcm9kdWN0cy5tYWdpY21vdG9yc3BvcnQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNzE4ODMzMDc5LCJzbiI6IjAwMDAwMENDOUY2MDAzRTciLCJwaWQiOjI2NzA1MywidWlkIjo0MTU4NiwiYWlkIjoyLCJpcCI6IjE4NS4xNTcuMjMwLjEwOSIsImNycHQiOiJzZWVkIiwiZnAiOiIzTDN6SUVXNmN1NVVjY0ZMZXl2U0JNVWdtaE5CMndvTCJ9.oFgrfhTvDkjChNLTrjonwJ6lDjt3yPsLgdfviniujP4\"}, {\"content-type\", \"application/vnd.api+json\"}, {\"host\", \"\"}, {\"postman-token\", \"13ebc2a3-3d6b-49fe-9058-04182b11c79a\"}, {\"user-agent\", \"PostmanRuntime/7.39.0\"}, {\"x-forwarded-for\", \",\"}, {\"x-forwarded-host\", \"\"}, {\"x-forwarded-port\", \"443\"}, {\"x-forwarded-proto\", \"https\"}, {\"x-forwarded-server\", \"prd-client1\"}, {\"x-real-ip\", \"\"}], request_path: \"/api/ixi_devices/000000CC9F6003E7/tuning_sessions\", resp_body: nil, resp_cookies: %{}, resp_headers: [{\"cache-control\", \"max-age=0, private, must-revalidate\"}], scheme: :http, script_name: [], secret_key_base: nil, state: :unset, status: nil}, []]}}, []}, []}, ancestors: [#PID<0.9833.0>, #PID<0.3276.0>, #PID<0.3275.0>, IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, IxiCenter.Supervisor, #PID<0.3235.0>], message_queue_len: 0, messages: [], links: [#PID<0.9833.0>], dictionary: [rand_seed: {%{bits: 58, jump: #Function<3.34006561/1 in :rand.exsplus_jump>, next: #Function<0.34006561/1 in :rand.exsss_next>, type: :exsss, uniform: #Function<1.34006561/1 in :rand.exsss_uniform>, uniform_n: #Function<2.34006561/2 in :rand.exsss_uniform>}, [98198537292401754 | 12076600170047340]}, \"$logger_metadata$\": %{remote_ip: \"\", request_id: \"F9qDZGoZxKBKhBMAAqrC\", sentry: %{request: %{cookies: %{}, data: %{}, env: %{\"REMOTE_ADDR\" => \"\", \"REMOTE_PORT\" => 55654, \"REQUEST_ID\" => \"F9qDZGoA-Z1KhBMAAqqC\", \"SERVER_NAME\" => \"\", \"SERVER_PORT\" => 80}, headers: %{\"accept-encoding\" => \"gzip, deflate, br\", \"content-type\" => \"application/vnd.api+json\", \"host\" => \"\", \"postman-token\" => \"13ebc2a3-3d6b-49fe-9058-04182b11c79a\", \"user-agent\" => \"PostmanRuntime/7.39.0\", \"x-forwarded-for\" => \",\", \"x-forwarded-host\" => \"\", \"x-forwarded-port\" => \"443\", \"x-forwarded-proto\" => \"https\", \"x-forwarded-server\" => \"prd-client1\", \"x-real-ip\" => \"\"}, method: \"GET\", query_string: \"\", url: \"\"}}}, sentry_last_event_id_and_source: {\"efc3cb2d59be45c9892df7719e2f931b\", :plug}], trap_exit: false, status: :running, heap_size: 4185, stack_size: 28, reductions: 57501], []]" }, "logger": "", "metadata": { "title": "[[initial_call: {:cowboy_stream_h, :request_process, [:Argument__1, :Argument__2, :Argument__3]},..." }, "modules": { "acceptor_pool": "1.0.0", "argon2_elixir": "3.0.0", "asn1": "", "aws": "0.13.3", "aws_signature": "0.3.1", "castore": "0.1.22", "certifi": "2.12.0", "chatterbox": "0.13.0", "cldr_utils": "2.24.1", "combine": "0.10.0", "comeonin": "5.3.3", "compiler": "", "connection": "1.1.0", "cors_plug": "3.0.3", "cowboy": "2.12.0", "cowboy_telemetry": "0.4.0", "cowlib": "2.13.0", "crypto": "", "csv": "3.2.1", "ctx": "0.6.0", "db_connection": "2.6.0", "decimal": "2.1.1", "digital_token": "0.6.0", "dotenv_parser": "2.0.0", "ecto": "3.9.6", "ecto_sql": "3.9.1", "eex": "1.14.5", "elixir": "1.14.5", "eqrcode": "0.1.10", "ex_cldr": "2.37.2", "ex_cldr_currencies": "2.15.0", "ex_cldr_numbers": "2.32.1", "ex_money": "5.15.0", "ex_unit": "1.14.5", "expo": "0.4.1", "file_info": "0.0.4", "gettext": "0.23.1", "gproc": "0.8.0", "grpcbox": "0.16.0", "hackney": "1.18.2", "heroicons": "0.5.2", "hpack": "0.2.3", "idna": "6.1.1", "inets": "", "inspecto": "0.3.1", "ixi_center": "0.1.0", "jason": "1.4.1", "jsonapi": "1.6.3", "kernel": "", "logger": "1.14.5", "logger_json": "5.1.2", "metrics": "1.0.1", "mime": "2.0.5", "mimerl": "1.2.0", "mimetype_parser": "0.1.3", "nimble_options": "1.0.2", "nimble_ownership": "0.3.1", "nimble_parsec": "1.3.1", "nimble_totp": "0.1.3", "open_api_spex": "3.18.2", "opentelemetry": "1.3.0", "opentelemetry_api": "1.2.1", "opentelemetry_cowboy": "0.2.1", "opentelemetry_ecto": "1.1.1", "opentelemetry_exporter": "1.6.0", "opentelemetry_phoenix": "1.1.1", "opentelemetry_process_propagator": "0.2.2", "opentelemetry_semantic_conventions": "0.2.0", "opentelemetry_telemetry": "1.0.0", "parse_trans": "3.4.1", "phoenix": "1.7.0", "phoenix_ecto": "4.4.0", "phoenix_html": "3.3.0", "phoenix_live_dashboard": "0.7.2", "phoenix_live_view": "0.18.3", "phoenix_pubsub": "2.1.1", "phoenix_template": "1.0.1", "phoenix_view": "2.0.2", "plug": "1.16.0", "plug_cowboy": "2.6.0", "plug_crypto": "1.2.5", "postgrex": "0.16.5", "public_key": "", "ranch": "1.8.0", "remote_ip": "1.2.0", "runtime_tools": "1.19", "sasl": "4.2", "sentry": "10.2.1", "ssl": "", "ssl_verify_fun": "1.1.7", "stdlib": "", "swoosh": "1.8.3", "syntax_tools": "3.0.1", "telemetry": "1.2.1", "telemetry_metrics": "0.6.1", "telemetry_registry": "0.3.1", "tesla": "1.7.0", "tesla_request_id": "0.2.0", "tls_certificate_check": "1.19.0", "unicode_util_compat": "0.7.0", "websock": "0.4.3", "websock_adapter": "0.4.5", "xmerl": "" }, "nodestore_insert": 1718830677.3961, "received": 1718830675.298389, "request": { "url": "", "method": "GET", "data": {}, "headers": [ [ "Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, br" ], [ "Content-Type", "application/vnd.api+json" ], [ "Host", "" ], [ "Postman-Token", "[Filtered]" ], [ "User-Agent", "PostmanRuntime/7.39.0" ], [ "X-Forwarded-For", "," ], [ "X-Forwarded-Host", "" ], [ "X-Forwarded-Port", "443" ], [ "X-Forwarded-Proto", "https" ], [ "X-Forwarded-Server", "prd-client1" ], [ "X-Real-Ip", "" ] ], "env": { "REMOTE_ADDR": "", "REMOTE_PORT": 55654, "REQUEST_ID": "F9qDZGoA-Z1KhBMAAqqC", "SERVER_NAME": "", "SERVER_PORT": 80 }, "inferred_content_type": "application/vnd.api+json" }, "sdk": { "name": "sentry-elixir", "version": "10.2.1" }, "timestamp": 1718830675.168346, "title": "[[initial_call: {:cowboy_stream_h, :request_process, [:Argument__1, :Argument__2, :Argument__3]},...", "type": "default", "user": { "ip_address": "", "geo": { "country_code": "IT", "city": "Partinico", "subdivision": "Sicily", "region": "Italy" }, "sentry_user": "ip:" }, "version": "5", "location": null } ```
whatyouhide commented 1 week ago

I cleaned up the error, it's here in case it makes it easier to debug:

      {:cowboy_stream_h, :request_process, [:Argument__1, :Argument__2, :Argument__3]},
    pid: %PID{},
    registered_name: [],
            message: "iXi Device unauthorized",
            plug_status: 403
            {IxiCenter.Plug.VerifyIxiDeviceRequest, :verify_request!, 1,
               file: ~c"lib/ixi_center/plug/verify_ixi_device_request.ex",
               line: 46,
               error_info: %{module: Exception}
            {IxiCenter.Plug.VerifyIxiDeviceRequest, :call, 2,
             [file: ~c"lib/ixi_center/plug/verify_ixi_device_request.ex", line: 17]},
            {IxiCenterWeb.Router, :api, 2, []},
            {IxiCenterWeb.Router, :__pipe_through2__, 1,
             [file: ~c"lib/ixi_center_web/router.ex", line: 1]},
            {Phoenix.Router, :__call__, 5, [file: ~c"lib/phoenix/router.ex", line: 416]},
            {IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, :plug_builder_call, 2,
             [file: ~c"lib/ixi_center_web/endpoint.ex", line: 1]},
            {IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, :"call (overridable 3)", 2,
             [file: ~c"lib/ixi_center_web/endpoint.ex", line: 1]},
            {IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, :call, 2, [file: ~c"lib/ixi_center_web/endpoint.ex", line: 1]}
         {IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, :call,
              adapter: {Plug.Cowboy.Conn, :...},
              assigns: %{},
              body_params: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :body_params},
              cookies: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :cookies},
              halted: false,
              host: "",
              method: "GET",
              owner: %PID{},
              params: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :params},
              path_info: ["api", "ixi_devices", "000000CC9F6003E7", "tuning_sessions"],
              path_params: %{},
              port: 80,
              private: %{},
              query_params: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :query_params},
              query_string: "",
              remote_ip: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65535, 49320, 2704},
              req_cookies: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :cookies},
              req_headers: [
                {"accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate, br"},
                 "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJwcm9kdWN0cy5tYWdpY21vdG9yc3BvcnQuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNzE4ODMzMDc5LCJzbiI6IjAwMDAwMENDOUY2MDAzRTciLCJwaWQiOjI2NzA1MywidWlkIjo0MTU4NiwiYWlkIjoyLCJpcCI6IjE4NS4xNTcuMjMwLjEwOSIsImNycHQiOiJzZWVkIiwiZnAiOiIzTDN6SUVXNmN1NVVjY0ZMZXl2U0JNVWdtaE5CMndvTCJ9.oFgrfhTvDkjChNLTrjonwJ6lDjt3yPsLgdfviniujP4"},
                {"content-type", "application/vnd.api+json"},
                {"host", ""},
                {"postman-token", "13ebc2a3-3d6b-49fe-9058-04182b11c79a"},
                {"user-agent", "PostmanRuntime/7.39.0"},
                {"x-forwarded-for", ","},
                {"x-forwarded-host", ""},
                {"x-forwarded-port", "443"},
                {"x-forwarded-proto", "https"},
                {"x-forwarded-server", "prd-client1"},
                {"x-real-ip", ""}
              request_path: "/api/ixi_devices/000000CC9F6003E7/tuning_sessions",
              resp_body: nil,
              resp_cookies: %{},
              resp_headers: [{"cache-control", "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"}],
              scheme: :http,
              script_name: [],
              secret_key_base: nil,
              state: :unset,
              status: nil
          ]}}, []}, []},
    ancestors: [%PID{}, %PID{}, %PID{}, IxiCenterWeb.Endpoint, IxiCenter.Supervisor, %PID{}],
    message_queue_len: 0,
    messages: [],
    links: [%PID{}],
    dictionary: [
        {%{bits: 58, jump: :fun, next: :fun, type: :exsss, uniform: :fun, uniform_n: :fun},
         [98_198_537_292_401_754 | 12_076_600_170_047_340]},
      "$logger_metadata$": %{
        remote_ip: "",
        request_id: "F9qDZGoZxKBKhBMAAqrC",
        sentry: %{
          request: %{
            cookies: %{},
            data: %{},
            env: %{
              "REMOTE_ADDR" => "",
              "REMOTE_PORT" => 55654,
              "REQUEST_ID" => "F9qDZGoA-Z1KhBMAAqqC",
              "SERVER_NAME" => "",
              "SERVER_PORT" => 80
            headers: %{
              "accept-encoding" => "gzip, deflate, br",
              "content-type" => "application/vnd.api+json",
              "host" => "",
              "postman-token" => "13ebc2a3-3d6b-49fe-9058-04182b11c79a",
              "user-agent" => "PostmanRuntime/7.39.0",
              "x-forwarded-for" => ",",
              "x-forwarded-host" => "",
              "x-forwarded-port" => "443",
              "x-forwarded-proto" => "https",
              "x-forwarded-server" => "prd-client1",
              "x-real-ip" => ""
            method: "GET",
            query_string: "",
      sentry_last_event_id_and_source: {"efc3cb2d59be45c9892df7719e2f931b", :plug}
    trap_exit: false,
    status: :running,
    heap_size: 4185,
    stack_size: 28,
    reductions: 57501
whatyouhide commented 1 week ago

I’m a little stumped by this to be honest. I don't see cowboy logging anything on its own in cowboy_stream_h.erl, which could explain this log being reported.

In any case, could you share your Sentry config in case it might help debug this? Also, just putting it out there, do you have a way to consistently reproduce this?

cc @ninenines in case this is obvious to you 😄

tommasop commented 1 week ago

@whatyouhide this is the runtime configuration we have for sentry:

config :sentry,
    environment_name: get_env("DEPLOYMENT_ENV"),
    enable_source_code_context: true,
    root_source_code_paths: [File.cwd!()],
    before_send: {IxiCenter.SentryEventFilter, :filter_non_500}

I will try to setup a minimal environment to reproduce this.

In the meantime is it possibile to filter these errors out in order to:

  1. Reduce noise
  2. Avoid to get over threshold cap

Thanks a lot

whatyouhide commented 1 week ago

You can filter them out yourself in your before_send, by matching on parts of the message. I don't think it's a good idea to filter them out in Sentry before figuring out what is actually happening here 🙃

tommasop commented 2 days ago

@whatyouhide here is a repository that triggers the error:

to make the error appear:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 123456578"