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SvelteKit auto-instrumentation causes faulty JSX error #9318

Open kenkunz opened 8 months ago

kenkunz commented 8 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

How do you use Sentry?

Sentry Saas ( as well as self-hosted (same issue occurs in both environments).

Which SDK are you using?


SDK Version


Framework Version


Link to Sentry event

SDK Setup

  dsn: '',
  tracesSampleRate: 1.0,

Steps to Reproduce

I created a new minimum SvelteKit repro with Sentry to demonstrate this bug.

  1. Create new SvelteKit project

    npm create svelte@latest sentry-repro
    # - Skeleton project
    # - Yes, using TypeScript syntax
    # - skip other add-ons
    cd sentry-repro
    npm i
  2. Add Sentry using setup wizard
    npx @sentry/wizard@latest -i sveltekit
    # - Sentry SaaS
    # - yes
    # - select project
  3. Add a src/routes/+page.ts file with a TypeScript <> cast operator
    export async function load() {
     let x: unknown = 'foo';
  4. Start dev server and open the page
    npm run dev
    # http://localhost:5173/
  5. Note the error:
    Internal server error: Unterminated JSX contents. (3:22)
  6. Modify vite.config.ts to disable auto-instrumentation:
    // add sentrySvelteKit config option
    autoInstrument: false
  7. Note that the error goes away / page serves as expected

Expected Result

No error should occur at step 5.

Auto-instrumentation should not (incorrectly) interpret TypeScript cast operator <> as JSX.

Current work-around: using as cast operator instead of <>.

Actual Result

The following error occurs at step 5.

Unterminated JSX contents. (3:22)
SyntaxError: Unterminated JSX contents. (3:22)
    at constructor (/Users/ken/Code/sentry-repro/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:356:19)
    at V8IntrinsicMixin.raise (/Users/ken/Code/sentry-repro/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:3223:19)
    at V8IntrinsicMixin.jsxReadToken (/Users/ken/Code/sentry-repro/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:6605:20)
    at V8IntrinsicMixin.getTokenFromCode (/Users/ken/Code/sentry-repro/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:6947:12)
    at V8IntrinsicMixin.getTokenFromCode (/Users/ken/Code/sentry-repro/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:9852:11)
    at V8IntrinsicMixin.nextToken (/Users/ken/Code/sentry-repro/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:2347:10)
    at (/Users/ken/Code/sentry-repro/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:2258:10)
    at (/Users/ken/Code/sentry-repro/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:2262:12)
    at V8IntrinsicMixin.expect (/Users/ken/Code/sentry-repro/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:3590:10)
    at V8IntrinsicMixin.jsxParseOpeningElementAfterName (/Users/ken/Code/sentry-repro/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:6836:10
lforst commented 8 months ago

Hi, @kenkunz thanks for reporting this! Do you mind explaining what you mean by

TypeScript <> cast operator console.log(\<string>x);

it's the first time I've ever heard of this. The newest TS version doesn't compile here either:

Are you sure this is valid syntax?

kenkunz commented 8 months ago

Hi @lforst – thanks for looking into this.

Are you sure this is valid syntax?

Here's the documentation on Type Assertions from the official Typescript docs:

You can also use the angle-bracket syntax (except if the code is in a .tsx file), which is equivalent:

const myCanvas = <HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("main_canvas");
lforst commented 8 months ago

Ah. TIL I guess we need to turn off JSX for the parser then!

cc @Lms24 I don't see any immediate option to do this in magicast, maybe we need to pass in a custom parser?

kenkunz commented 8 months ago

@Lms24 side note – I just saw your Svienna talk on the state of Sentry for Svelte (via Svelte Society YouTube channel)… nice overview… gut getan!

Lms24 commented 8 months ago

Hi @kenkunz thanks for letting us know about this!

I don't see any immediate option to do this in magicast, maybe we need to pass in a custom parser?

I think this gives us a good reason to switch to recast, providing one of the recast parsers actually supports this syntax. Gonna add this to my to do list for this week.

TIL: image

This is the AST of <string>x when parsing with the typescript parser

fromaline commented 3 weeks ago


I have the same problem right now. Luckily, I can still manually wrap the load functions.

Lms24 commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, sorry that this slipped through 😬 Unfortunately, I'm/we're blocked by a lot of other work at the moment so I can't give you an ETA for fixing this.

For now, @fromaline's suggestion to manually wrap load functions is probably the best workaround if you have to rely on the angle bracket style type assertions. From what I can tell, there's no difference to using as <Type> type assertions which should work fine with our auto instrumentation plugin. But obviously I don't want to force you to change your code just for Sentry. Whatever works for you best!

fromaline commented 3 weeks ago

@Lms24, thanks for the explanation! No worries, it's not a deal-breaker.