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Read sentry token from environment variable (SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN) #3795

Open LonelyCpp opened 1 month ago

LonelyCpp commented 1 month ago

Current behaviour

The android script only reads the auth token from However this file is usually checked into git, making the auth key vulnerable.

Error logs :

Execution failed for task ''.
> Illegal null value provided in this collection: [--log-level, debug, --url,, --auth-token, null, react-native, gradle, --bundle, /Users/vagrant/git/android/app/build/generated/assets/createBundleInternalReleaseJsAndAssets/, --sourcemap, /Users/vagrant/git/android/app/build/generated/sourcemaps/react/internalRelease/, --org, xxx, --project, xxx, --release,, --dist, 1157]


Android and iOS source upload scripts must respect the SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN if present

This enables us to keep the auth token as a secret in our CI environments.

note: it looks like iOS does read from the environment variable, but I couldn't confirm it in source code. It would be helpful if the maintainers could point out where this happens

related issue : (But does not work)

krystofwoldrich commented 1 month ago

Hi @LonelyCpp, thank you for the message, the SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN is not read in combination with the flavorAware which you are using.

In all other cases the SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN env is read in the sentry-cli directly.

I also looks like is a bug to me.

krystofwoldrich commented 1 month ago

Internal Note: (mention in release) This could be potentially breaking for users expecting the token from the to be used.

LonelyCpp commented 1 month ago

perhaps the gradle script should allow null values to be sent for the key field.

This would make the cli reads from env and would not affect users who have the token in - backward compatible!

krystofwoldrich commented 1 month ago

@LonelyCpp Thank you, yes we should think about the the same as flag of the sentry-cli when value is missing we try to read it from the env.

psbdgr8 commented 1 month ago

any update on this?