getsentry / sentry-react-native

Official Sentry SDK for React Native
MIT License
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React native - report crash for android always point the wrong file/line #552

Closed awdjs-s closed 5 years ago

awdjs-s commented 5 years ago


Output of node -v && npm -v && npm ls --prod --depth=0

appOfCard@0.0.1 /Users/zbentaleb/Desktop/Lab/AOC-SEPHORA
├── babel-preset-env@1.7.0
├── creditcardutils@1.0.0
├── email-validator@2.0.4
├── gem@2.4.3
├── geolib@2.0.24
├── husky@0.14.3
├── i18n-iso-countries@3.6.3
├── i18n-js@3.0.3
├── is-email@1.0.0
├── js-base64@2.5.0
├── jsbarcode@3.9.0
├── libphonenumber-js@1.7.4
├── lint-staged@7.1.2
├── lodash@4.17.10
├── lodash.groupby@4.6.0
├── lottie-react-native@2.3.2
├── moment@2.22.1
├── normalizr@3.2.4
├── prop-types@15.6.1
├── UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY react@16.3.1
├── UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY react-native@0.55.4
├── react-native-acc@1.0.1
├── react-native-android-fullscreen-webview-video@1.0.3
├── react-native-appsflyer@1.1.12
├── react-native-barcode-builder@1.0.5
├── react-native-camera@0.12.0 (git+
├── react-native-communications@2.2.1
├── react-native-device-brightness@1.2.0
├── react-native-device-info@0.21.5
├── react-native-extended-stylesheet@0.6.0
├── react-native-fast-image@4.0.14
├── react-native-firebase@3.3.1
├── react-native-geolocation-service@1.0.4
├── react-native-htmlview@0.12.1
├── react-native-i18n@2.0.12
├── react-native-image-picker@0.26.10
├── react-native-image-progress@1.1.0
├── react-native-interactable@0.1.8
├── react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view@0.5.0
├── react-native-keychain@3.0.0
├── react-native-linear-gradient@2.4.0
├── react-native-maps@0.20.1
├── react-native-material-textfield@0.10.0 (git+
├── react-native-modal@6.1.0
├── react-native-open-maps@0.1.4
├── react-native-open-settings@1.0.1
├── react-native-photo-view@1.5.2
├── react-native-render-html@3.10.0
├── react-native-section-list-get-item-layout@2.2.3
├── react-native-sentry@0.42.0
├── react-native-shadow@1.2.2
├── react-native-shadow-view@0.0.1
├── react-native-snap-carousel@3.7.5
├── react-native-svg@6.3.1
├── react-native-text-input-reset@1.0.2
├── react-native-version-check@2.3.2
├── react-native-video@3.2.1
├── react-navigation@1.1.2
├── react-navigation-redux-helpers@1.0.7
├── react-navigation-slide-from-right-transition@1.0.4
├── react-redux@5.0.7
├── react-string-replace@0.4.1
├── reactotron-react-native@2.1.4
├── recompose@0.27.1
├── redux@3.7.2
├── redux-persist@4.10.2
├── redux-thunk@2.3.0
├── reselect@3.0.1
├── rn-fetch-blob@0.10.15
├── shortid@2.2.8
├── sync-spreadsheet@1.0.7
└── vanilla-masker@1.2.0

I have following issue:

i managed to report crash on ios correctly, but on android, it shows the error with the appropriate title but, always the wrong file/line

Actual result: point on the wrong file/line of code

Example 1

screenshot 2019-02-25 at 23 14 06

Example 2

screenshot 2019-02-25 at 23 19 38

Expected result: point the correct file/line of code

PS: probably sentry can't match the stack-trace and source-map correctly on android

hery commented 5 years ago

@awdjs-s Same issue here, did you figure it out? I have the correct version number and I can see my source maps in the artifacts but it points to an unrelated file.

HazAT commented 5 years ago

I am closing all old issues, please if this is still a problem feel free to revive it. Also, consider moving to our new SDK @sentry/react-native if it still happens there please open a new issue.