getsentry / sentry-unity

Development of Sentry SDK for Unity
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Compression level for IL2CPP builds #647

Open bitsandfoxes opened 2 years ago

bitsandfoxes commented 2 years ago

With the options configuration, more users will run into the issue of setting compression levels that are unsupported on IL2CPP and lead to the SDK silently failing to send events.

We could warn during build time or simply set the compression ourselves.

bruno-garcia commented 2 years ago

Maybe best hiding it altogether with the old hack?

internal new CompressionLevel Level {get;set;}

ppl can still cast to to the base SentryOptions and access it but they'd be getting out of their way to do it.

bitsandfoxes commented 2 years ago

This needs a bit of investigation to see if it's an issue on all platforms so that we might raise an issue with Unity. A nice repro would be to simply compress something with Gzip.