I have a web page use the electron Renderer Process to render
in this web page, I use the sentry
Before that I had upload the sourcemap like this:
when sentry catch error and reported like this:
~/web/work-test/static/js/index.dfb14657.js unable to match /Applications/%E5%A6%99%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%9B%BE%E5%BD%A2%E5%8C%96%E5%AE%A2%E6%88%B7%E7%AB%AF-%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95%E7%89%88.app/Contents/Resources/app/web/work-test/static/js/index.dfb14657.js
Steps to Reproduce
I have a web page use the electron Renderer Process to render
in this web page, I use the sentry
Before that I had upload the sourcemap like this:
when sentry catch error and reported like this:
unable to match/Applications/%E5%A6%99%E5%B0%8F%E7%A8%8B%E5%9B%BE%E5%BD%A2%E5%8C%96%E5%AE%A2%E6%88%B7%E7%AB%AF-%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95%E7%89%88.app/Contents/Resources/app/web/work-test/static/js/index.dfb14657.js
and the sourcemap useless
Expected Result
I want to match absolute path
Actual Result
unable to match absolute path