getsentry / sentry

Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
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Sentry Telegram integrations #61998

Open medikos opened 6 months ago

medikos commented 6 months ago

Problem Statement

Hi all! My problem is that I want to insist on alerts being sent to the telegram channel. This question comes up quite often on the Internet. There is even a plugin which has not been supported for a long time. Will such functionality ever be implemented in sentry?

Solution Brainstorm

If the point is that there is no time for development, then I wonder if it is possible to send a pull request for review

Product Area


getsantry[bot] commented 6 months ago

Assigning to @getsentry/support for routing ⏲️

getsantry[bot] commented 6 months ago

Routing to @getsentry/product-owners-settings-integrations for triage ⏲️

Dhrumil-Sentry commented 6 months ago

@medikos we don't have any plans to build an integration with Telegram. Have you considered building an internal integration within your Sentry to achieve this?

drpancake commented 4 months ago

Please please please add this! A bunch of my dev friends do everything in Telegram now and people are moving away from Slack. We build custom bots for various logs and alerts. Telegram has 1bn+ users.

joshlopes commented 3 months ago

I find it strange this not been integrated. There is slack, discord etc. Telegram is probably way way easier to integrate using the bot API which is literally a curl to an endpoint, easy integration + maintaining it and would please a lot of people that don't want to pay or overcomplicate things with just error alerting.

vocolboy commented 3 months ago

I sent a pull request and can use my package while waiting :)

jslirola commented 2 months ago

Any news? It would be great to merge this PR to improve the integration of our projects.


Dhrumil-Sentry commented 2 months ago

The PR submitted works off a Legacy integration mechanism - project-level plugins which we're trying to move away from in favor of org-level integrations:

Any new integration added to Sentry in the last couple of years has been an org-level integration- this is why we can't merge the PR. But this integration is a part of our backlog and we will comment here once we have any timelines