getsentry / sentry

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🤖 Fix the issue with stack trace rule config #68149

Closed sentry-autofix-experimental[bot] closed 2 weeks ago

sentry-autofix-experimental[bot] commented 1 month ago

👋 Hi there! This PR was automatically generated 🤖

Triggered by Jenn Mueng


The issue arises due to the 'type' key not being recognized or handled properly within the stack trace rule configuration. This is likely because the 'type' key is not correctly mapped or utilized in the MATCHERS dictionary or the handling logic in the FrameMatch class.

The steps that were performed:

  1. Ensure 'type' key is correctly mapped in MATCHERS
  2. Update FrameMatch to handle 'type' key
  3. Review and update error handling for unknown matchers

📣 Instructions for the reviewer which is you, yes you:

This will greatly help us improve the autofix system. Thank you! 🙏

If there are any questions, please reach out to the AI/ML Team on #proj-autofix

🤓 Stats for the nerds:

Prompt tokens: 90734 Completion tokens: 2882 Total tokens: 93616

getsantry[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

This pull request has gone three weeks without activity. In another week, I will close it.

But! If you comment or otherwise update it, I will reset the clock, and if you add the label WIP, I will leave it alone unless WIP is removed ... forever!

"A weed is but an unloved flower." ― Ella Wheeler Wilcox 🥀