getsentry / sentry

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feat(apigateway): Added proxy support for `organization_id_or_slug` path params #69245

Closed iamrajjoshi closed 1 week ago

iamrajjoshi commented 1 week ago

We are adding support for {resource}.id_or_slug support in our API path parameters. Currently our api gateway relied on "organization_slug" existing in the path parameter.

This PR adds support for organization_id_or_slug existing in path parameter, so when we go change all our apis from organization_slug to organization_id_or_slug, we can still proxy correctly.

I also a test for this. Let me know if I am missing something.

Note: id_or_slug_path_params_enabled is a wrapper for a couple of options that are used to rollout the API changes.

sentry-io[bot] commented 6 days ago

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