getsentry / sentry

Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
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Backpressure: overly susceptible to temporary issues #70034

Open mwarkentin opened 2 weeks ago

mwarkentin commented 2 weeks ago


SaaS (

Steps to Reproduce

Over the last 30 days, we've experienced ~265 instances where backpressure has been marked as unhealthy due to a connection timeout when checking the health of a redis or rabbitmq cluster:


Each of these come with a corresponding pause and delay in ingestion: image

1 timeout seems to trigger about 15s of ingestion latency.

There can also be instances where multiple trigger in succession, which seems to be enough to trigger a backlog large enough that it may page SRE while it burns down the backlog:


Expected Result

Some possible improvements we can make:

I would probably start with adding retries on failure as it seems like the simplest thing that can work.

Actual Result

Backpressure pauses ingestion from a single failure.

Product Area

Ingestion and Filtering


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loewenheim commented 2 weeks ago

I agree with adding retries. Making failure to check not count as unhealthy sounds dicey to me, on the other hand, for the reason you mention.