getsentry / sentry

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πŸ€– Enhanced Type Checking and Error Handling in Field and Query Processing #70054

Open sentry-autofix-experimental[bot] opened 2 weeks ago

sentry-autofix-experimental[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

πŸ‘‹ Hi there! This PR was automatically generated πŸ€–

Triggered by Jenn Mueng


This update introduces stricter type checks and improved error handling in the BoundedIntegerField and BoundedPositiveIntegerField classes, as well as in the organization_projects API endpoint. Specifically, the changes ensure that only integer values or strings that can be converted to integers are accepted by the model fields. Additionally, the API endpoint now validates that all values provided for 'id' are integers, raising an error if this is not the case. This enhancement aims to prevent runtime errors and ensure data integrity by enforcing type constraints more rigorously.

πŸ“£ Instructions for the reviewer which is you, yes you:

This will greatly help us improve the autofix system. Thank you! πŸ™

If there are any questions, please reach out to the AI/ML Team on #proj-autofix

πŸ€“ Stats for the nerds:

Prompt tokens: 63210 Completion tokens: 3387 Total tokens: 66597