getsentry / sentry

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🤖 Handle None values in exception interface attribute extraction #70061

Open sentry-autofix-experimental[bot] opened 2 weeks ago

sentry-autofix-experimental[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

👋 Hi there! This PR was automatically generated 🤖

Triggered by Josh Ferge

Fixes SENTRY-Y88

This change updates the file to enhance the robustness of the attribute extraction from the exception interface. Specifically, in the list comprehension that retrieves attributes from the exception values, a check is added to skip over any entries that are None. This prevents potential errors that could arise from attempting to access attributes of a NoneType object, thereby improving the reliability of the rule condition processing.

📣 Instructions for the reviewer which is you, yes you:

This will greatly help us improve the autofix system. Thank you! 🙏

If there are any questions, please reach out to the AI/ML Team on #proj-autofix

🤓 Stats for the nerds:

Prompt tokens: 28816 Completion tokens: 2283 Total tokens: 31099