getsentry / sentry

Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
37.08k stars 3.98k forks source link

ref: delete sentry-functions #70091

Closed asottile-sentry closed 1 week ago

asottile-sentry commented 2 weeks ago

feature was never launched, causing some issues with import cycles while upgrading django-stubs

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

🚨 Warning: This pull request contains Frontend and Backend changes!

It's discouraged to make changes to Sentry's Frontend and Backend in a single pull request. The Frontend and Backend are not atomically deployed. If the changes are interdependent of each other, they must be separated into two pull requests and be made forward or backwards compatible, such that the Backend or Frontend can be safely deployed independently.

Have questions? Please ask in the #discuss-dev-infra channel.

codecov[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Bundle Report

Changes will decrease total bundle size by 37.23kB :arrow_down:

Bundle name Size Change
app-webpack-bundle-array-push 26.5MB 37.23kB :arrow_down: