getsentry / sentry

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[User Feedback] Feedback replay clip hits processing error, but issues clip renders fine #70186

Open michellewzhang opened 4 months ago

michellewzhang commented 4 months ago

On the feedback replay section, we see this 'replay not found' error because we hit a processing error (even though the replay ID exists), but clicking into the linked issue renders the replay clip fine.


basically what's happening is in the feedback, when we try to load the replay, at first we hit a processing error, which is why we end up showing that red message. however, on the issues clip, we hit the processing error at first, but then we immediately re-fetch and get the actual replay data, so it shows the clip as expected. not sure why this behavior is inconsistent b/t feedback and issues, since they're using the same component, but we have a hunch it's something to do with the way useReplayData() is working

console logged the issue details refetching behavior:


michellewzhang commented 2 months ago

see for more details