getsentry / symbolicator

Native Symbolication as a Service
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Consider running release workflows on an older version of Ubuntu (to avoid glibc versioning issues) #1466

Open vorporeal opened 1 month ago

vorporeal commented 1 month ago

Tried to use the pre-built wasm-split binary in our application's release workflow and ran into glibc versioning issues due to the fact that we run our workflows on Ubuntu 20.04 and y'all use ubuntu-latest to build release binaries.

It would be worth trying to use ubuntu-20.04 as the value of runs-on instead of ubuntu-latest, as it'll allow the compiled binary to run on older distributions of Linux that include older versions of glibc.

(We're using cargo install to build the binary from source, but it would be nicer/faster to use the official pre-compiled one instead.)

loewenheim commented 1 month ago

Hi, thank you for the suggestion! We'll discuss it.