getslash / slash

The Slash testing infrastructure
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Filter by tag value does not work #1047

Open mskesselring opened 3 years ago

mskesselring commented 3 years ago

slash version 1.12.0 Python version 3.7.4

When I try to filter based on tag value using <, >, <=, or >=, it improperly filters (finds no tests or finds all tests regardless of tag), but using = does find the right tests

One Test in the folder includes @slash.tag('introduced_in_version', 1.4) All other tests include @slash.tag('introduced_in_version', 1.3) Command line option: -k "introduced_in_version>1.3" Results: all tests in the folder are found

mskesselring commented 3 years ago

Additionally, -k "not introduced_in_version>1.3" finds 0 tests

vmalloc commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reaching out! Unfortunately these operators are not supported for -k at the moment... However this sounds like a nice feature to have, so if you're into it - PRs are greatly appreciated!