getsmap / smap-responsive

A JavaScript framework for simple creation of web maps with responsive design supporting a range of different browsers and devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Parse GetfeatureInfo response to correct format #185

Open jakelund opened 8 years ago

jakelund commented 8 years ago

Länsstyrelsens WMS has wrong formatting for sMap popups. Their ArcGIS server doesn't support gml. I need to parse it with a template so that sMap can handle it and create my popup window. See below for request and response example in text/plain:



johanlahti commented 8 years ago

I have modified the SelectWMS plugin (see below) so that you can create a custom parser when you specify the layer config:

// SelectWMS.js row 534
if (typeof info_format === "function") {
    out =, resp);

So instead of specifying an info_format as a mime type, like "text/plain" or "application/json", you specify a function (a parser) which takes one argument, which is the getfeatureinfo response. E g:

info_format: function(responseText) {
    // This function should return a key-value object like: {id: 1, name: "Some object"}
    var rows = responseText.split("\n"); // etc…
    return {}; // the key-value object