getsolus / eopkg

eopkg - Solus package manager implemented in python3
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eopkg up -f (fetch only) still says it's upgrading the packages #44

Open Justinzobel opened 6 months ago

Justinzobel commented 6 months ago

The following packages will be upgraded:

TraceyC77 commented 6 months ago

Confirmed on eopkg (python2)

❯ sudo eopkg up -f
[sudo] password for tracey:
Updating repositories
Updating repository: Local
Local repository information is up-to-date.
Updating repository: Solus-Dev
eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum     (40.0  B)100%      0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete]
eopkg-index.xml.xz             (3.1 MB)100%      0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete]
Package database updated.
The following packages will be upgraded:
hunspell-en  libgnutls  libgnutls-32bit  libgnutls-devel  libgnutls-utils  thunderbird

Also on eopkg4-bin

❯ sudo eopkg4-bin up -f
Updating repositories
Updating repository: Local
Local repository information is up-to-date.
Updating repository: Solus-Dev
eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum     (40.0  B)100%      0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete]
Solus-Dev repository information is up-to-date.
The following packages will be upgraded:

With that said, this is low priority since it's just a text problem, and does not affect the actual functionality. We can do this in 4.6 IMO