Following the instructions here to install the Solus packaging helper functions does not result in the functions being usable.
I don't know the correct way to do it, not being familiar with ZSH. @Staudey has the following in his .zshrc file:
# This works
#for file in $HOME/.zshrc.d/*.zsh; do
# . "$file"
# This doesn't, why?
fpath=(~/.zshrc.d $fpath)
# Unless I add this and execute "solus-monorepo-helpers.zsh" first, which is weird
autoload -Uz solus-monorepo-helpers.zsh
# This also doesn't help:
# autoload -Uz ${fpath[1]}/*(:t)
Following the instructions here to install the Solus packaging helper functions does not result in the functions being usable.
I don't know the correct way to do it, not being familiar with ZSH. @Staudey has the following in his