Open celticmagic opened 1 year ago
/me adds python-zstd to list (for ypkg)
This is the list of py2 scripts in still in common/
$ rg '/usr/bin/env python' |grep -v python3 |sort
Legacy/Scripts/!/usr/bin/env python
Legacy/Scripts/!/usr/bin/env python2.7
Scripts/!/usr/bin/env python
Scripts/!/usr/bin/env python
Scripts/!/usr/bin/env python
Scripts/!/usr/bin/env python2
Scripts/!/usr/bin/env python
Scripts/!/usr/bin/env python2.7
Scripts/!/usr/bin/env python
Scripts/!/usr/bin/env python
Scripts/!/usr/bin/env python
Let's use this task to keep track of things stuck on Python 2 so that we know when we can retire Python 2 or whether or not to deprecate them. Stuck on Python 2: - [x] kodi 18.x (once Kodi 19.1 is out on flathub, I suggest we officially deprecate kodi from the repo) - [x] samba 4.9.x -> Updated to 4.10.x which supports Python 3 (but the Python bindings are disabled for now) - [x] duplicity (waiting for version 0.8.x to be promoted as stable) Planned Deprecation: - [x] spyder (python 2 version only) - [x] nautilus-admin Solus Software: - [ ] Switch to GNOME SC and KDE Discover (PoC ready) - [ ] Retire solus-sc and remove it from the package repo - [ ] Ensure that KDE Discover can use PackageKit to replace LDM functionality (PoC ready) - [ ] Port eopkg to py3 and compile it with nuitka (PoC ready and in testing) - [ ] Test that GNOME SC and KDE Discover work as expected with eopkg py3 PK backend - [ ] Test that KDE Dsicvoer can use the eopkg py3 PackageKit backend to replace LDM functionality (PoC ready) - [x] Port ypkg to py3 and compile it with nuitka (Done, in production on build server) - [x] Switch to using the Calamares installer (Done) - [x] Internal scripts rewrites (Done) Python 2 Packages: - [x] alabaster - [x] android-tools - [x] autopep8 - [x] bro - [x] bup - [ ] bzr - [x] caribou - [ ] catbox - [x] cherrytree - [x] chrome-gnome-shell - [x] claws-mail - [ ] comar - [ ] comar-api - [x] cycler - [x] cython - [ ] dia - [x] displaycal - [ ] doflicky - [x] evemu - [x] firewalld - [x] flake8 - [x] fslint - [x] gdal - [ ] gimp - [x] git-cola - [x] gnome-doc-utils - [x] gnubg - [x] gourmet - [x] gpgme - [x] gst-python-0.10 - [x] gwyddion - [x] ibus-anthy - [x] kaa-base - [x] kaa-metadata - [ ] keybinder - [x] kicad - [x] kodi - [x] kvirc - [x] lash - [x] ledger - [x] libblockdev - [x] libboost - [x] libbytesize - [x] libcaca - [x] libgpod - [x] libieee1284 - [x] liblouis - [x] libpeas - [x] libproxy - [x] libuser - [x] libxml2 - [x] libxslt - [x] linux-tools - [x] lldb - [ ] llvm-clang (.py files are py2) - [x] mailnag - [x] matplotlib - [x] mccabe - [x] mcomix - [x] mozjs - [x] mozjs38 - [x] mutagen - [x] mypaint - [x] natron - [x] nautilus-folder-icons - [x] nautilus-python - [x] newt - [x] nmap - [x] notify-python - [x] notmuch - [x] opencolorio - [x] opencv - [x] openimageio - [ ] os-installer - [x] pam-wrapper - [x] pbr - [x] pep8 - [ ] piksemel - [ ] pip - [ ] pisi - [x] playonlinux - [x] postgresql - [x] printrun - [x] psycopg2 - [x] ptyprocess - [x] pulseaudio-dlna - [x] py - [x] pycodestyle - [x] pyenchant - [x] pyflakes - [x] pygments - [x] pygoocanvas - [x] pygtksourceview - [ ] pyorbit - [x] pyparsing (update blocked) - [x] pytest-runner (update blocked) - [ ] python - [ ] python-absl-py - [x] python-appdirs - [x] python-argparse - [x] python-asn1 - [x] python-asn1crypto - [x] python-asn1-modules - [x] python-atomicwrites - [x] python-attrs (Update blocked) - [x] python-automat - [x] python-babel - [ ] python-backports - [x] python-backports_abc - [x] python-backports.functools_lru_cache - [x] python-backports.ssl_match_hostname - [x] python-bcrypt - [x] python-beautifulsoup4 - [x] python-blinker - [x] python-bottle - [ ] python-cairo - [x] python-certifi - [x] python-cffi - [x] python-chardet - [x] python-configobj - [x] python-configparser - [x] python-constantly - [x] python-contextlib2 - [x] python-coverage (update blocked) - [x] python-cparser - [x] python-cryptography - [x] python-dateutil - [ ] python-dbus - [x] python-decorator - [ ] python-distutils-extra - [x] python-docker-pycreds - [x] python-docopt - [x] python-docutils - [x] python-entrypoints - [x] python-enum34 - [x] python-enum-compat - [x] python-evdev - [x] python-fastimport - [x] python-faulthandler - [x] python-filelock - [x] python-flaky - [x] python-freezegun - [x] python-funcsigs - [x] python-functools32 - [x] python-futures - [x] python-genty - [ ] python-geoip - [ ] python-gobject - [ ] python-gobject2 - [ ] python-gtk2 - [x] python-httplib2 - [x] python-hyperlink - [x] python-hypothesis (update blocked) - [x] python-idna - [x] python-imagesize - [x] python2-importlib-metadata - [x] python-importlib-resources (update blocked) - [x] python-incremental - [x] python-inotify - [x] python-ipaddress - [x] python-itsdangerous - [x] python-jedi - [x] python-jinja - [x] python-jsonschema - [x] python-kiwisolver - [x] python-lhafile - [x] python-lxml - [x] python-m2r - [ ] python-magic - [x] python-markupsafe - [x] python-mistune - [x] python-mock (update blocked) - [x] python-monotonic - [x] python-more-itertools (update blocked) - [x] python-netaddr - [x] python-netifaces - [x] python-nose - [x] python-notify2 - [x] python-oauthlib - [x] python-openssl - [x] python-osinfo - [x] python2-packaging - [x] python-parsimonious - [x] python-parso - [ ] python-parted - [ ] python-pathlib2 - [x] python-pexpect - [x] python-pillow - [x] python2-pluggy - [x] python-polib - [x] python-pretend - [x] python-protobuf - [x] python-psutil - [ ] python-pycurl - [x] python-pyglet - [x] python-pyhamcrest - [x] python-pyjwt - [x] python-pylibacl - [ ] python-pyliblzma - [x] python-pyserial - [x] python-pyside - [x] python-pyside-tools - [x] python-pysocks - [x] python2-pytest - [x] python-pytest-cov - [x] python-pytest-flake8 - [x] python-pytest-mock - [x] python-pytz - [x] python-pyusb - [x] python-pywavelets - [x] python-pyxattr - [x] python-qt5 - [x] python-qtwebengine - [x] python-reportlab - [x] python-requests - [x] python-requests-mock - [x] python-requests-oauthlib - [x] python-scandir - [x] python-sdl2 - [x] python-service-identity - [x] python-setproctitle - [ ] python-setuptools - [x] python-setuptools-git - [x] python2-setuptools-scm - [x] python-singledispatch - [x] python-sip - [x] python-six - [x] python-slip - [x] python-snowballstemmer - [x] python-soupsieve - [x] python-sphinx - [x] python-sphinxcontrib-websupport - [x] python-sphinx-rtd-theme - [x] python-sqlalchemy - [x] python-subprocess32 - [x] python-texttable - [x] python-toml - [x] python-tornado - [x] python-tox - [x] python-twisted - [x] python-typing - [x] python-urllib3 - [x] python-urlgrabber - [x] python-wcwidth - [x] python-websocket-client - [ ] python-wheel - [x] python-wrapt - [x] python-zeroconf - [x] python-zipp (update blocked) - [x] python-zope.component - [x] python-zope.deferredimport - [x] python-zope.deprecation - [x] python-zope.event - [x] python-zope.hookable - [x] python-zope.interface - [x] python-zope.proxy - [ ] python-zstd - [x] python2-numpy - [x] pyxdg - [ ] pyyaml - [x] rpm - [ ] ruamel.yaml - [x] sc-controller - [x] scipy - [x] scons - [x] scribus - [x] shiboken - [x] soapysdr - [ ] solus-sc - [ ] suricata - [x] syncthing-gtk - [x] tensorflow - [x] trelby - [x] util-linux - [x] virtualenv - [x] volume_key - [x] vte2 - [x] wxPython - [x] wxPython2 - [x] xcb-proto - [x] youtube-dl-gui - [x] ypkg