getsops / sops

Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets
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Update install instructions at `` #1055

Open smoyer64 opened 2 years ago

smoyer64 commented 2 years ago

The installation instructions at states that SOPS installation should be performed using:

go get -u

The go get command has been deprecated for installing binaries (and can lead to dependency issues) so the correct installation command is now:

go install

or for a specific version:

go install

As an aside, it would be nice to reference this installation method in the README - for those of us with Go already installed, it's simpler than downloading the binary, creating sym-links and setting executable flags.

Amod02-prog commented 2 years ago

Hi, I would like to contribute on this issue . Could you please mention/tag the exact location where breakdown needs to be fixed .

brookman1 commented 1 month ago

This is the furthest I got from following what you did is the missing cmp and sliceserror. Here is what my process was: You likely just need Step 3 for the latest version of sops

  1. Did what you did above, but reacted to the errors I say and changed package name to the one in command: $ go install
  2. Tried pip install from, This had an apt instal step too that I had to modify for my python version preference, set it to python3.11-dev and python3,11-pip.
  3. Updated from version 1.18 to 3.9.0, looks like latest release, instructions here:

STEP 3 insructions:

# Download the binary
curl -LO

# Move the binary in to your PATH
mv sops-v3.9.0.linux.amd64 /usr/local/bin/sops

# Make the binary executable
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sop

TIP 1: do check the checksums. TIP 2: use sha256 directly, the cosign installs similar to sops, there is no way to know what you are getting from wget.

Step 1

user_name@host:~$ go install package is not a main package go/pkg/mod/ package cmp is not in GOROOT (/usr/lib/go-1.18/src/cmp) go/pkg/mod/ package slices is not in GOROOT (/usr/lib/go-1.18/src/slices)

Step 2

From here: got: sudo pip install sops

user_name@hostname:~/sops$ sops --help
usage: sops <file>

SOPS - encrypted files editor that uses AWS KMS and PGP

positional arguments:
  file                  file to edit; create it if it doesn't exist

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k KMSARN, --kms KMSARN
                        comma separated list of KMS ARNs
  -p PGPFP, --pgp PGPFP
                        comma separated list of PGP fingerprints
  -d, --decrypt         decrypt <file> and print it to stdout
  -e, --encrypt         encrypt <file> and print it to stdout
  -r, --rotate          generate a new data encryption key and reencrypt all values with the new key
  -i, --in-place        write output back to <file> instead of stdout for encrypt/decrypt
  --extract TREE_PATH   extract a specific key or branch from the input JSON or YAML document. (decrypt mode
                        only). ex: --extract '["somekey"][0]'
  --set SET SET         set a specific key or branch in the input JSON or YAML document. value must be a
                        json encoded string. (edit mode only).ex: --set '["somekey"][0]'
  --input-type INPUT_TYPE
                        input type (yaml, json, ...), if undef, use file extension
  --output-type OUTPUT_TYPE
                        output type (yaml, json, ...), if undef, use input type
  -s, --show_master_keys
                        display master encryption keys in the file during editing (off by default).
  --add-kms ADD_KMS     Add the given comma separated KMS ARNs to the list of master keys on an existing
  --rm-kms RM_KMS       Remove the given comma separated KMS ARNs from the list of master keys on an
                        existing file.
  --add-pgp ADD_PGP     Add the given comma separated PGP fingerprint to the list of master keys on an
                        existing file.
  --rm-pgp RM_PGP       Remove the given comma separated PGP fingerprint from the list of master keys on an
                        existing file.
  --ignore-mac          ignore Message Authentication Code during decryption
  --unencrypted-suffix UNENCRYPTED_SUFFIX
                        override unencrypted key suffix (default: _unencrypted)
  --config CONFIG_LOC   path to config file, disable recursive search (default: .sops.yaml)
  --encryption-context KMSCONTEXT
                        comma separated list of KMS encryption context key-value pairs
  -V, -v, --version     show program's version number and exit

`sops` supports AWS KMS and PGP encryption:
    * To encrypt or decrypt a document with AWS KMS, specify the KMS ARN
      in the `-k` flag or in the ``SOPS_KMS_ARN`` environment variable.
      (you need valid credentials in ~/.aws/credentials or in your env)
    * To encrypt or decrypt using PGP, specify the PGP fingerprint in the
      `-p` flag or in the ``SOPS_PGP_FP`` environment variable.

To use multiple KMS or PGP keys, separate them by commas. For example:
    $ sops -p "10F2[...]0A, 85D[...]B3F21" file.yaml

The -p and -k flags are ignored if the document already contains master
keys. To add/remove master keys in existing documents, open then with -s
and edit the `sops` branch directly.

You can change which GPG binary is used by setting $SOPS_GPG_EXEC in env.

By default, editing is done in vim, and will use the $EDITOR env if set.

Version 1.18 - See the Readme at
felixfontein commented 1 month ago

I know too liittle about go install to comment on that, but: don't use - that is deprecated and totally outdated. (I wish the ones who have access to it would mark it as deprecated.)

brookman1 commented 1 month ago

This is the likely go package that we are trying to work with: go install
