/projects/ (``)
* deployments
* current (Symlink to current version, e.g. v3) – probably no need to be referenced by StackHead, but nice to see the current version. The current version could also be written to a version file e.g. `/CURRENT_VERSION`
* v1
* Caddyfile
* docker-compose.yaml
* container
* hooks
* resources.json – Serialized list of resources created during the deploymend. Can be used by destroy to remove the project
* v2
* ...
* vn
* backups – contains folders named by backup timestamp. For backups of container data folders
* data
* container – container data. Versioning of is probably not needed, as we could create a backup before each deployment and restore that during rollback
Should version number also be added into container names, so the new version can be created before shutting down the old containers (zero downtime deployment)?
How to deal with backups of running applications??? Especially databases may lose data -> research needed
Right now rollbacks were only tested on new projects. DIfferent project versions should be kept on the server to allow rollbacks on existing projects.
Current folder structure:
Envisioned folder structure: