gettek / terraform-azurerm-policy-as-code

Terraform modules that simplify the workflow of custom and built-in Azure Policies
MIT License
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Policy Definition Module Does Not Allow for Null Attributes in JSON Policy Code #91

Closed Tanchwa closed 1 year ago

Tanchwa commented 1 year ago

Issue Template



    "description": "Customer-managed key based encryption should be configured for Databricks's managed services.",
    "displayName": "Audit - Databricks should use customer-managed key for encrypting managed services",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {
            "category": "Azure Databricks",
            "version": "1.0.0"
        "mode": "All",
        "policyRule": {
            "if": {
                "allOf": [
                        "equals": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces",
                        "field": "type"
                        "exists": false,
                        "field": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/encryption.entities.managedServices.keySource"
            "then": {
                "effect": "Audit"
locals {
  # import the custom policy object from a library or specified file path
  policy_object = jsondecode(coalesce(try(
    file("${path.cwd}/Policiy Definitions/${title(var.policy_category)}/${var.policy_name}.json"),
    file("${path.root}/Policy Definitions/Custom Policies/${title(var.policy_category)}/${var.policy_name}.json"),
    file("${path.root}/../Policy Definitions/Custom Policies/${title(var.policy_category)}/${var.policy_name}.json"),
    file("${path.module}/../../Policy Definitions/Custom Policies/${title(var.policy_category)}/${var.policy_name}.json"),
    "{}" # return empty object if no policy is found

  # fallbacks
  title    = title(replace(local.policy_name, "/-|_|\\s/", " "))
  category = coalesce(var.policy_category, try((local.policy_object).properties.metadata.category, "General"))
  version  = coalesce(var.policy_version, try((local.policy_object).properties.metadata.version, "1.0.0"))
  mode     = coalesce(var.policy_mode, try((local.policy_object).properties.mode, "All"))

  # use local library attributes if runtime inputs are omitted
  policy_name  = coalesce(var.policy_name, try((local.policy_object).name, null))
  display_name = coalesce(var.display_name, try((local.policy_object).properties.displayName, local.title))
  description  = coalesce(var.policy_description, try((local.policy_object).properties.description, local.title))
  metadata     = coalesce(var.policy_metadata, try((local.policy_object).properties.metadata, merge({ category = local.category }, { version = local.version })))
  parameters   = coalesce(var.policy_parameters, try((local.policy_object).properties.parameters, null))
  policy_rule  = coalesce(var.policy_rule, try((local.policy_object).properties.policyRule, null))

  # manually generate the definition Id to prevent "Invalid for_each argument" on set_assignment plan/apply
  definition_id = var.management_group_id != null ? "${var.management_group_id}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/${local.policy_name}" :

Expected Behavior

Module should be able to handle null values for certain fields in policy JSON Ex: not all policies have a parameters attribute, the module should not break if this is missing.

Current Behavior

policy definition module currently does not have a way to properly handle null values (coalesce errors out on null) if you introduce a try block that results in null around the parameters locals value try(coalesce(var.policy_parameters, try((local.policy_object).properties.parameters, null)), null) , it results in a further error that APPEARS to attempt to allow null values, but is not functioning as expected ╷ │ Error: Invalid function argument │ │ on Modules/Policy/ line 11, in resource "azurerm_policy_definition" "def": │ 11: parameters = length(local.parameters) > 0 ? jsonencode(local.parameters) : null │ ├──────────────── │ │ while calling length(value) │ │ local.parameters is null │ │ Invalid value for "value" parameter: argument must not be null.

Possible Solution

introduce the necessary null value handlers throughout the code to allow for null values, especially in the parameters field.

Failure Information (for bugs)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. use policy definition module call on various policies with undefined attributes
  2. terraform apply

Failure Logs

│ Error: Error in function call │ │ on Modules/Policy/ line 109, in locals: │ 109: parameters = coalesce(var.policy_parameters, try((local.policy_object).properties.parameters, null)) │ ├──────────────── │ │ while calling coalesce(vals...) │ │ local.policy_object is object with 3 attributes │ │ var.policy_parameters is null │ │ Call to function "coalesce" failed: no non-null, non-empty-string arguments.

│ Error: Invalid function argument │ │ on Modules/Policy/ line 11, in resource "azurerm_policy_definition" "def": │ 11: parameters = length(local.parameters) > 0 ? jsonencode(local.parameters) : null │ ├──────────────── │ │ while calling length(value) │ │ local.parameters is null │ │ Invalid value for "value" parameter: argument must not be null. ╵

gettek commented 1 year ago

Hi @Tanchwa, please try updating the locals validation ( line 109) to the below and try again, let me know if this helps and I'll fix in the next release:

locals {
   parameters   = coalesce(var.policy_parameters, try((local.policy_object).properties.parameters, {}))
Tanchwa commented 1 year ago

Thanks that seems to have worked. I tried using an empty string earlier, should have thought to use an empty object. I'll keep an eye out for similar issues with the other fields and report back here if I find them, but I think parameters is the only optional one.