getumbrel / umbrel-apps

The official app repository of the Umbrel App Store. Submit apps and updates here. Learn how →
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Added memos #1043

Closed highghlow closed 1 month ago

highghlow commented 2 months ago

These apps are going to a a PITA to maintain... I should probably automate this.

App Submission

App name


256x256 SVG icon

(Submit an icon with no rounded corners as it will be dynamically rounded with CSS. GitHub doesn't allow uploading SVGs directly, so please upload your icon to an alternate service, like, and paste the link below.) We will help finalize this icon before the app goes live in the Umbrel App Store.

Unfortunately this can't be made into an svg

Gallery images

(Upload 3 to 5 high-quality gallery images (1440x900px) of your app in PNG format, or just upload 3 to 5 screenshots of your app and we'll help you design the gallery images.) We will help finalize these images before the app goes live in the Umbrel App Store.




I have tested my app on:

highghlow commented 2 months ago

App request #992

highghlow commented 1 month ago

Fixed everything here. I'lll also go ahead and fix these issues in my other submissions.

nmfretz commented 1 month ago

Fixed everything here. I'lll also go ahead and fix these issues in my other submissions.

Nice, thanks for being so on the ball and fixing the other submissions. Super appreciated.

We're getting gallery assets together now and will launch this when they are ready!

nmfretz commented 1 month ago

Thanks again for submitting Memos @highghlow.

Gallery assets:

I have pushed some final commits to finish things up, including changing the memos container user to umbrel (1000) instead of root.

Going live!
