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Update Ordinals to v0.18.2 #1057

Closed nmfretz closed 2 months ago

nmfretz commented 2 months ago

This PR updates ord to 0.18.2, which requires the following migration:

Wallet databases are now stored in the /wallets subdirectory of the data dir. To use old wallet databases with 0.18.2, move .redb files into the /wallets subdirectory of the data dir. Currently, the only information stored in wallet databases are pending etchings.

I have updated the pre-start script to migrate all wallet database files for all bitcoin networks (mainnet, testnet, signet, regtest). I have assumed that all .redb files in the ord data dir that are not index.db are instead wallet database files.

I have also removed the ORD_FIRST_INSCRIPTION_HEIGHT env var. Ord now handles this automatically for each Bitcoin network, so the app will work well on test networks because we haven't hard coded the first inscription height for mainnet.

Tested on arm64 and x86

@smolgrrr @mrv777 can I please get some eyes and additional tests on this 🙏

nmfretz commented 2 months ago

Going live.