getumbrel / umbrel-bitcoin

The official Bitcoin Node app for Umbrel, powered by Bitcoin Core.
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Connecting Ledger Live #12

Open nyspqr opened 3 years ago

nyspqr commented 3 years ago

Hi, I’m trying to connect ledger live to umbrel and running into issues. I’m suspecting it could because of tor but not sure. I reached out to ledger to see if they could support native tor and they have forwarded this over to their dev team to see if they could get this working with umbrel. But I’m not sure if umbrel would also need to provide support for ledger? If so, could this be possible? I’d like to use my own node when using ledger and don’t want to move all my funds to a new wallet because of the lack of support.

If support could be added, that would be fantastic.

thanks so much.

mrjbj commented 2 years ago

Any news on this? I'm trying to do the same thing...

Hukuma1 commented 2 years ago


I know Ledger Live added their support (in experimental phase still) via satstack for connecting to your own node, but I think its' lack of Tor support prevents it from working with Umbrel? Anyone got insight on this?

Also found this:

Hoping there's been updates to make this interface with my Ledger device.

SeafireGit commented 2 years ago

As I understand it, Umbrel is already ready to receive connection to it (although via tor, but this is by design). The lacking part is LedgerLive being able to proxysocks to it. I think it is a feature request for Ledger Live rather than umbrel.

Hukuma1 commented 2 years ago

Found: (where they added it support for connecting to your own node, but I guess no Tor support?)

And anyone that comes here, here is an open issue to go to: