getumbrel / umbrel-bitcoin

The official Bitcoin Node app for Umbrel, powered by Bitcoin Core.
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Pruned version #2

Closed mariocynicys closed 1 year ago

mariocynicys commented 1 year ago

This issue was discussed before in here but ended up not being implemented for the sake of other apps' health.

Making another version of this umbrel-bitcoin might be a wiser solution. Electrs (and other apps that depend on a non-pruned node) can then depend on the non-pruned version and apps that support pruned nodes (like lnd, cln, etc...) can depend on either versions.

Having a node, besides being beneficial for the usage of some apps, is essential for one's sovereignty on the blockchain. And pruning would allow more people to run nodes.

patmillertime commented 1 year ago

Pruning is now implemented in Umbrel btw

mariocynicys commented 1 year ago

@patmillertime Yeah I updated it a while ago. Thanks!