getumbrel / umbrel-dashboard

[Deprecated] Moved to Web-based dashboard to interact with your Umbrel.
132 stars 69 forks source link

[Feature Request] Ability to create custom shortcuts #424

Open ShonP40 opened 2 years ago

ShonP40 commented 2 years ago

Would be nice to have an option to add custom web shortcuts onto the apps dashboard

(Like adding a shortcut to the web interface of a router or to apps that don't run inside docker containers)

avdept commented 1 year ago

👍🏻 on this. Was looking something to replace ol'good heimdal launcher

BANanaD3V commented 1 year ago

+1, when will we have it?

mayankchhabra commented 1 year ago

Hey folks, curious which other apps are you hosting outside of Umbrel? Ideally we could try and get all of them to our app store on priority \:)

ShonP40 commented 1 year ago
  1. There are many apps that can't be hosted inside a Docker container
  2. I'd rather be able to create a shortcut to my router's web interface than to host a Docker container that just redirects your browser to it lol
avdept commented 1 year ago

Hey folks, curious which other apps are you hosting outside of Umbrel? Ideally we could try and get all of them to our app store on priority :)

There are cases where I'd want to have just a shortcut to 3rd party web page. The ideal case - to replace browsers new tab with umbrel dashboard. Besides adding shortcuts, would be nice to have dashboard as separate js bundle to make it load even faster, skipping the progress bar