getumbrel / umbrel-lightning

The official Lightning Node app for Umbrel, powered by LND.
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Report inflight Active HTLC balance also on dashboard and individual channels #24

Open BhaagBoseDK opened 2 years ago

BhaagBoseDK commented 2 years ago

Umbrel reports the lightning wallet balance as the sum of local balance of all channels. However there are times when there are pending HTLCs which are neither shown in local nor in remote balance.


  1. On Home -> Lightning Wallet -> in small fonts, show incoming HTLC with + sign and outgoing HTLC with - sign.
  2. Same for Balance on top left.
  3. Lightning -> Lightnign Wallet -> same as 1.
  4. Channel View, show total In and Out HTLC at top in small fonts and individual HTLC on each channel line connecting local to remote.
saintkamus commented 2 years ago

Just adding to BhhagBoseDK's comment. He is the one that made me realize why my balance seemed to have 500k sats less than it should, and why my channel capacity was wonky in RTL.

It was all due to a pending HTLC.