getumbrel / umbrel-lightning

The official Lightning Node app for Umbrel, powered by LND.
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wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access #6

Closed pseudozach closed 1 year ago

pseudozach commented 1 year ago

after restart, lnd is locked.

2022-10-28 05:02:25.508 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ChannelBalance]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access 2022-10-28 05:02:30.537 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ChannelBalance]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access

I've tried running by running ~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec lnd lncli unlock with both default password moneyprintergobrrr and my ssh password but both give the error:

umbrel@umbrel:~ $ ~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec lnd lncli unlock "tailscale", Input wallet password: [lncli] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = invalid passphrase for master public key

pseudozach commented 1 year ago

in fact when I check the lightning_app_1 docker logs I see below error.

Checking LND status... Waiting for LND... Checking LND status... LND ready! Attempting to unlock wallet... Unlocking wallet failed: "invalid passphrase for master public key"

so am I to understand since default password is moneyprintergobrrr and that's the constant this app is trying as per so I don't know my own LND password?

Since this is a fresh install (after my previous upgrade from 0.4.x to 0.5 failed catastrophically and lost my 30+ channels on 2 year old node) this is the first time I'm rebooting and unlocking the node so how can I find out what actually is the correct "passphrase for master public key" ?

pseudozach commented 1 year ago

never mind, this was on me, I used a non-default password while trying to restore my previous wallet.