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Custom wallpapers in Umbrel? #1622

Open ThatTakashi opened 1 year ago

ThatTakashi commented 1 year ago

I have a nextcloud server and that has a custom background on it to suit my server. I would like My Umbrel node to reflect that so that there is a seamless transition between the two.

The current files for the default wallpapers have to be stored somewhere, does anyone know where this is?

ghost commented 1 year ago

I want this.

smolgrrr commented 1 year ago

cd ~/umbrel/packages/dashboard/public/wallpapers should do it

I haven't tried this, I'll give it a go and let you know how it goes

ghost commented 1 year ago

cd ~/umbrel/packages/dashboard/public/wallpapers should do it

I haven't tried this, I'll give it a go and let you know how it goes

Didn't work.

superswan commented 11 months ago

Really hacky and i don't think it will survive restarts but you can just copy the wallpaper to the running docker image

Run docker ps look for getumbrel/dashboard:0.5.4 and make note of the <CONTAINER ID> and then copy your wallpaper overwriting an existing

# docker cp /path/to/local/wallpaper/14.jpg <CONTAINER ID>:/dist/wallpapers/14.jpg

Changing /umbrel/packages/dashboard/public/wallpapers would work but you would have to know how to rebuild the dashboard docker image or rebuild the Vue app.

Edit: I made my image 5120 x 2860 and ~4kb JPEG to stick to format of existing

smolgrrr commented 11 months ago

hey lain @superswan you should check out my Wire