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Can't configure my own DNS servers #1786

Open Smith334 opened 2 months ago

Smith334 commented 2 months ago

I am running Umbrel OS on a Raspberry Pi4. I want to be able to configure my own DNS servers, but I can't seem to figure out how to either from the GUI or after I SSH into the machine.

I have tried to alter the "/etc/resolv.conf" file after I SSH in, but after I reboot the machine it overrides it with Cloudflare DNS servers.


I feel that configuring network-related information should be within the GUI of Umbrel OS.

Any ideas on how to do it in the meantime? My router already is configured to go to my own local DNS server, but Umbrel OS only want to go to Cloudflare.

saphirblanc commented 2 months ago

sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

Then, you can change the DNS servers. However, I'm unsure if this will be overwritten somehow later on.

Smith334 commented 2 months ago

@saphirblanc Changing it in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf looks to do the trick. It's now pointing to my DNS server. Thanks

mayankchhabra commented 2 months ago

Great suggestion @Smith334. Happy to confirm that changing DNS servers via the UI is planned for the next umbrelOS release (1.0.5).

Smith334 commented 2 months ago

Thanks @mayankchhabra , that's fantastic

ffrediani commented 1 month ago

Why is Umbrel comes with servers and by default instead of using the one supplied by local DHCP Server ? In general is always best use the local one of the ISP supplied one which is the nearest and with best performance instead of a more distant one from a third party.

@mayankchhabra good to do know that it will be possible to make such changes from the UI.