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[Question] - Running Bitcoind Node in pruned mode #1840

Open ffrediani opened 4 weeks ago

ffrediani commented 4 weeks ago

Hi folks

I have been searching a information about pruned nodes and I am interested to find out what are the real concerns about running them for certain applications and usages, even with short storage limitation as low as 10GB for example. There are applications that might never need to access older transactions.

By been able to run a pruned node it reduces the requirements and costs for a +1TB SSD and improve user experience.

There has been mentions to electrs would not support in the past, although someone mentioned it does support now.

For Lightning Nodes I understand what they need to do is to check the latest transactions and broadcast new transactions (opening and closing of a channel) which with the latest blocks that is possible.

For validating a block that just happened and also for mining the latest blocks seems fine.

So what would be a real concerns and in which situations runing a pruned node would cause a problem?

VnUgE commented 18 hours ago

I'm not sure your configuration, but I think it's worth mentioning the core lightning project's documentation on pruned nodes.

In the case of bitcoind, it can't serve block data it doesn't have locally, whether that be to local dependencies (lightningd) or other replicating nodes doing IBDs (assuming you have exposed your node to the internet)

ffrediani commented 3 hours ago

Yes, I saw that documentation. It can't serve block data it doesn't have locally but it can fetch it from other peers which may take a little longer but can be done normally if there is a peer where this can be gathered from.

The other solution may be to connect to a remote full node or block explorers like (,, and as backends.