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HTTPS issue when using Cloudflare Tunnel due to fixed HTTP protocol in axiosInstance #1842

Open diazmateus opened 3 weeks ago

diazmateus commented 3 weeks ago

When creating a tunnel with Cloudflare to expose my Umbrel instance, the tunnel creation works without problems. However, when using HTTPS, I face issues accessing the new URL. Since I am using HTTPS, all requests must be executed with HTTPS; otherwise, the browser blocks requests made via HTTP.

Identified Cause: After investigating and debugging the system, I realized that the issue occurs because, in the file /containers/app-proxy/utils/manager.js, where axios is instantiated, the HTTP protocol is being used as a fixed value instead of reading the variable from the constants defined in the const.js file.

Relevant Code: The code snippet where the issue occurs is as follows:

const CONSTANTS = require('./const.js');

const axiosInstance = axios.create({
    headers: {
        common: {
            "User-Agent": `${}/${package.version}`

The issue is in the line:


As a suggestion to resolve the issue, the line could be modified to:


I have submitted a pull request with the requested change: