Open Tyrian81 opened 2 years ago
@Tyrian81 , Did you try to persist the state of Mosquito as I explained on the HA thread?
I have setup persistence in mosquitto container
version: '3.3'
container_name: eclipse-mosquitto
- '1883:1883'
- '9001:9001'
- '/home/********/docker/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf'
- '/home/********/docker/mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data'
restart: always
image: eclipse-mosquitto
it is now saving a *.db file in /mosquitto/data/
did a full reboot of the system still the mqtt sensors are unavailable ?
08:38:50.186 INFO whats-up-docker/api: Server listening on port 3000 (HTTP)
08:38:48.377 INFO whats-up-docker/registry.ghcr: Register with configuration {}
08:38:58.416 INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Cron finished (21 containers watched, 0 errors, 8 available updates)
08:38:51.206 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Remove hass device [id=wud_container_local_watchtower]
08:38:51.149 INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Listening to docker events
08:38:51.142 INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Cron started (0 * * * *)
08:38:50.178 WARN whats-up-docker: Anonymous authentication is enabled; please make sure that the app is not exposed to unsecure networks
08:38:50.168 INFO whats-up-docker/authentication.anonymous.anonymous: Register with configuration {}
08:38:50.148 INFO whats-up-docker/registry: No authentication configured => Allow anonymous access
08:38:50.107 INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Cron scheduled (0 * * * *)
08:38:50.106 INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Register with configuration {"socket":"/var/run/docker.sock","port":2375,"cron":"0 * * * *","watchbydefault":true,"watchall":false,"watchevents":true}
08:38:48.395 INFO whats-up-docker/registry: No Watcher configured => Init a default one (Docker with default options)
08:38:48.392 INFO whats-up-docker/registry.quay: Register with configuration {}
08:38:48.387 INFO whats-up-docker/registry.lscr: Register with configuration {}
08:38:48.383 INFO whats-up-docker/registry.hub: Register with configuration {}
08:38:47.280 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Register with configuration {"url":"tcp://192.168.188.***:1883","user":"******","topic":"wud/container","password":"*********","hass":{"prefix":"homeassistant","enabled":true},"threshold":"all","mode":"single","once":true,"simpletitle":"New ${kind} found for container ${name}","simplebody":"Container ${name} running with ${kind} ${local} can be updated to ${kind} ${remote}\n${link}","batchtitle":"${count} updates available","key":"R************!"}
08:38:46.950 INFO whats-up-docker/registry: Register all components of kind trigger for provider mqtt
08:38:46.718 INFO whats-up-docker/prometheus: Init Prometheus module
08:38:46.603 INFO whats-up-docker/store: Load store from (/store/wud.json)
Strange thing is only one container sensor survived the reboot , the mosquitto broker is still available in HA ? I will have to delete /store/wud.json restart container and they are all back ?
after i delete the /store/wud.json and a WUD container restart it does this :
08:54:14.774 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_portainer]
09:00:04.814 INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Cron finished (21 containers watched, 0 errors, 8 available updates)
09:00:00.423 INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Cron started (0 * * * *)
08:54:14.775 INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Cron finished (21 containers watched, 0 errors, 8 available updates)
08:54:14.725 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_plex]
08:54:14.658 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_homeassistant]
08:54:14.714 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_duplicati]
08:54:13.915 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_vaultwarden]
08:54:13.845 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_dsmr]
08:54:13.841 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_npm]
08:54:13.821 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_wud]
08:54:13.783 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_zigbee2mqtt]
08:54:13.808 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_adguardhome]
08:54:13.764 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_eclipse-mosquitto]
08:54:13.762 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_double-take]
08:54:12.058 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_flame]
08:54:11.334 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_dsmrdb]
08:54:11.314 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_compreface-postgres-db]
08:54:11.291 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_uptime-kuma]
08:54:11.269 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_compreface-ui]
08:54:11.266 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_compreface-admin]
08:54:11.263 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_frigate]
08:54:11.249 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_compreface-core]
08:54:11.244 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Add hass device [id=wud_container_local_compreface-api]
08:54:10.365 INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Listening to docker events
08:54:10.360 INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Cron started (0 * * * *)
08:54:09.358 INFO whats-up-docker/api: Server listening on port 3000 (HTTP)
08:54:09.354 WARN whats-up-docker: Anonymous authentication is enabled; please make sure that the app is not exposed to unsecure networks
08:54:09.349 INFO whats-up-docker/authentication.anonymous.anonymous: Register with configuration {}
08:54:09.348 INFO whats-up-docker/registry: No authentication configured => Allow anonymous access
08:54:09.343 INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Cron scheduled (0 * * * *)
08:54:09.342 INFO whats-up-docker/watcher.docker.local: Register with configuration {"socket":"/var/run/docker.sock","port":2375,"cron":"0 * * * *","watchbydefault":true,"watchall":false,"watchevents":true}
08:54:08.999 INFO whats-up-docker/registry: No Watcher configured => Init a default one (Docker with default options)
08:54:08.999 INFO whats-up-docker/registry.quay: Register with configuration {}
08:54:08.998 INFO whats-up-docker/registry.lscr: Register with configuration {}
08:54:08.997 INFO whats-up-docker/registry.hub: Register with configuration {}
08:54:08.996 INFO whats-up-docker/registry.ghcr: Register with configuration {}
08:54:08.850 INFO whats-up-docker/trigger.mqtt.mosquitto: Register with configuration {"url":"tcp://192.168.188.***:1883","user":"******","topic":"wud/container","password":"******","hass":{"prefix":"homeassistant","enabled":true},"threshold":"all","mode":"single","once":true,"simpletitle":"New ${kind} found for container ${name}","simplebody":"Container ${name} running with ${kind} ${local} can be updated to ${kind} ${remote}\n${link}","batchtitle":"${count} updates available","key":"*********"}
08:54:08.792 INFO whats-up-docker/registry: Register all components of kind trigger for provider mqtt
08:54:08.786 INFO whats-up-docker/prometheus: Init Prometheus module
08:54:08.786 INFO whats-up-docker/store: Create Collection containers
08:54:08.786 INFO whats-up-docker/store: Migrate data from version undefined to version latest
08:54:08.785 INFO whats-up-docker/store: Create Collection app
08:54:08.783 INFO whats-up-docker/store: Load store from (/store/wud.json)
08:54:08.782 INFO whats-up-docker: What's up Docker? is starting (version = latest)
I 'm still not able to reproduce your issue on my end :/ To help me figure out what is happening, can you:
1. Check the state before stopping your system
a. Check that the last message on all homeassistant/binary_sensor/wud_container_xxx
topics contain a JSON configuration file looking like
"name":"What's up docker?",
"value_template":"{{ value_json.update_available }}",
b. Check that all the wud/container/xxx
topics are present
c. Check that all HA sensors are present
2. Stop all your system
3. Start your system without WUD
4. Check that MQTT topics & HA sensors are recovered as expected Same tests as in 1.
5. Start WUD in debug mode- _WUD_LOGLEVEL=debug
6. Check that MQTT topics & HA sensors are still present Same tests as in 1.
And then please log here your observations & your logs. Thank you!
solved, a few reboots later it survives reboots
What had to be restarted?
Rebooted pc few times and was working
Persisted mosquito data and wud data
I delete the json file and every working good. The reboot can not solve the problem.
@fmartinou Could this issue be due to MQTT container restarting and wud not handling the connection exception properly an recovering / re-connecting? I have the same issue, over time the MQTT trigger just disappears and then just rebooting wud fixes it.
Got WUD up and running and it's great for keeping up with potential container updates. But whenever I reboot the system the containers come up again , but the mqtt HA sensors do not ?
When I delete the /WUD/store/wud.json and restart the container the sensors are available again . Mosquitto broker ,HA, Wud all running in containers on the same host.