getzep / graphiti

Build and query dynamic, temporally-aware Knowledge Graphs
Apache License 2.0
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Received notification from DBMS server #109

Open yukiman76 opened 6 days ago

yukiman76 commented 6 days ago

Getting the following error

Received notification from DBMS server: {severity: WARNING} {code: Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.UnknownPropertyKeyWarning} {category: UNRECOGNIZED} {title: The provided property key is not in the database} {description: One of the property names in your query is not available in the database, make sure you didn't misspell it or that the label is available when you run this statement in your application (the missing property name is: episodes)} {position: line: 15, column: 27, offset: 713} for query: '
                    CALL db.index.vector.queryRelationships("fact_embedding", $limit, $search_vector)
                    YIELD relationship AS rel, score
                    MATCH (n:Entity)-[r {uuid: rel.uuid}]-(m:Entity)
                    WHERE r.group_id IN $group_ids
                        r.uuid AS uuid,
                        r.group_id AS group_id,
                        n.uuid AS source_node_uuid,
                        m.uuid AS target_node_uuid,
                        r.created_at AS created_at,
               AS name,
                        r.fact AS fact,
                        r.fact_embedding AS fact_embedding,
                        r.episodes AS episodes,
                        r.expired_at AS expired_at,
                        r.valid_at AS valid_at,
                        r.invalid_at AS invalid_at
                    ORDER BY score DESC

When calling

results = await'Who was the California Attorney General?') Using the test app

I installed from source

danielchalef commented 6 days ago

@yukiman76 what version of graphiti-core do you have installed?