getzlab / MutSig2CV

MutSig2CV from Lawrence et al. 2014
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undefined symbol when I ran MutSig2CV on Linux. #15

Closed liux2250 closed 2 years ago

liux2250 commented 2 years ago


I downloaded MutSig2CV and installed Matlab Runtime R2013a. When I tried to run MutSig2CV, I got the following error. ./MutSig2CV: symbol lookup error: ./MutSig2CV: undefined symbol: _Z14standaloneMainRKSt6vectorISsSaISsEEbb

I have already set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH before I ran it.

Did anyone encounter this error before? If so, could you give me some guidance about how to address this issue? Thanks in advance.

Best, Yang

julianhess commented 2 years ago

Hi Yang,

What operating system are you running?

liux2250 commented 2 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your prompt response!

I ran it on our HPC server. The system is running Redhat Enterprise Linux. The Linux version is: Linux 3.10.0-1160.15.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jan 21 16:15:07 EST 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Best, Yang

liux2250 commented 2 years ago


I ran it on my computer with Ubuntu Linux and it works. I think MutSig2CV maybe need to be recompiled on Redhat Enterprise Linux.

Best, Yang

julianhess commented 2 years ago

It's possible that the precompiled C/C++ .mex files are binary incompatible with RHEL. If you have access to the MATLAB compiler on your HPC cluster, try recompiling those files with mex and then rebuilding the MutSig executable with mcc -m -I src -d bin -o MutSig2CV src/MutSig2CV.

The C/C++ files that need to be rebuilt are:

liux2250 commented 2 years ago

Hi Julianhess,

This problem was solved by recompiling those files. Thank you for your response. I really appreciate.


julianhess commented 2 years ago

Great, glad that worked!